Simulink UDP receive with Rapid accelerator

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm having an issue with using the UDP receive block from the instrument control toolbox.
I have a model which has both a UDP input (receive) and output (Send).
If i run the model in normal, or accelerator mode, my model works perfectly, with both UDP blocks working as they should. However, when I switch to rapid accelerator, which I require, the UDP receive block doesn't work anymore; the outputs remain at 0. As for the UDP send block, it still works even when in rapid accelerator mode! Am i missing something? How come the UDP send block works in all modes, but not the UDP receive?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Alex
alex pabouctsidis
alex pabouctsidis on 12 Jan 2015
Added note: I first attempted to use the serial receive block, which didnt work in rapid accelerator mode either, before attempting to use the UDP receive. Since the UDP send worked in rapid accelerator, i was expecting the UDP receive block to work as well.
Shengping Wang
Shengping Wang on 27 Sep 2017
hi, have you found out a solution for receiving data by communication in rapid accelerator mode?

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