how to save workspace variables with the same name they have in work space
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i have lots of variables in the workspace and want to save those with the prefix "PSD", also I want them to have the same name they have now or even better without the "PSD" prefix.
i tried to use:
vars = work PSD*
Answers (2)
mark li
on 14 Apr 2022
Hello! There is a simple demo.
%test data
PSD_a = 1;
PSD_b = 2;
PSD_c =2;
a = 1;
str_set = [];
Save_name = '''a.mat'''; %the save file name
Var_name = who('PSD*');
for index = 1 : length(Var_name)
str = Var_name{index};
str_new = str(5:end); %the Value 5 may be changed properly
eval([str_new '=' str ';'])
str_set = [ str_set ',' '''' str_new ''''];
eval([ 'save(' Save_name str_set ')'])
%clear data
clear_var = ['clear(''' str_set(3:end-1) ''')' ];
on 14 Apr 2022
Edited: Stephen23
on 14 Apr 2022
A much simpler approach ist use SAVE's regular expression syntax:
save('mydata.mat', '-regexp','^PSD')
See the examples here:
There is no point in making your code more complex than that.
Renaming would be best done by LOADing and changing the fieldnames, for example:
S = load('mydata.mat')
and then use dynamic fieldnames and RMFIELD.
Note that filtering variables by their names implies that you have forced meta-data into the variable names, which is generally very poor data design which will make acessing and processing your data slow, complex, and inefficient.
See Also
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