How to measure the euclidean distance of points continuously from point A to B (and point B to C)?
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Currently, I have the following code, which I use to measure the euclidean distances from a 3-dimensional point to a reference point (here it is (:,10)) for each cell of doubles in cell_of_double_baskets like so:
H = @(x) sqrt(((x(:,1)-x(:,10)).^2) ... % euclidian distance formula
+ ((x(:,2)-x(:,10)).^2) ...
+ ((x(:,3)-x(:,10)).^2));
baskets_xyz_h_ref = cellfun( H, cell_of_double_baskets, 'uni',false ); % compute the distances
Now, I am trying to measure the distance from each point (x,y and z) to its previous point for every data point in the list in every cell of doubles.
H = @(x) sqrt((x2-x1).^2) ...
+ (y2-y1).^2) ...
+ (z2-z1).^2));
but for the entire length of each cell in cell_of_double_baskets. In this case I would disregard column 10 of course.
How would that look? Do I need a for loop?
Thank you!
Accepted Answer
on 19 Mar 2022
Edited: Voss
on 19 Mar 2022
n = numel(cell_of_double_baskets);
d = cell(1,n);
for kk = 1:n
% take the difference of adjacent rows of cell_of_double_baskets{kk},
% first 3 columns only, square the differences, sum them along 2nd
% dimension (x,y,z), take the square root, store the result as d{kk}
d{kk} = sqrt(sum(diff(cell_of_double_baskets{kk}(:,1:3),1,1).^2,2));
on 19 Mar 2022
I edited my answer after seeing your comment on the other answer. Please check my answer again.
More Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 19 Mar 2022
I think you could use a loop
curveDistance = 0;
dx = diff(x);
dy = diff(y);
dz = diff(z);
for k = 1 : length(dx)
curveDistance = curveDistance + sqrt(dx(k)^2 + dy(k)^2 + dz(k)^2);
Image Analyst
on 19 Mar 2022
What about using a 2-D array
% Make 2d array with enough columns to hold any array, like the max of
% length(dx) you ever expect to encounter.
curveDistance = zeros(numel(cell_of_double_baskets), 100000)
lastColumn = 100000;
for k2 = 1 : numel(cell_of_double_baskets) % For every cell in the cell array
thisCellContents = cell_of_double_baskets{k2}; % Get contents of cell
% For example if thisCellContents is an N-by-3 array of x,y,z columns
x = thisCellContents(:, 1);
y = thisCellContents(:, 2);
z = thisCellContents(:, 3);
curveDistance(k2) = 0;
dx = diff(x);
dy = diff(y);
dz = diff(z);
curveDistance(k2, 1) = sqrt(dx(1)^2 + dy(1)^2 + dz(1)^2);
for k = 2 : length(dx)
curveDistance(k2, k) = curveDistance(k2, k-1) + sqrt(dx(k)^2 + dy(k)^2 + dz(k)^2);
lastColumn = max([length(dx), lastColumn]); % Keep track of the most number of columns we're going to use.
% Crop off unused columns.
curveDistance = curveDistance(:, 1:lastColumn);
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