fitting a normal distribution function to a set of data

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have a set of data, in the form of a histogram (with actual data also ready) and I want to fit a normal distribution curve on it. Is their an efficient way to do it?

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 Dec 2014
If you have the Statistics Toolbox, use the histfit function.
Otherwise, this works:
d = 2*randn(250,1)+20; % Created Data
binrs = min(d):(max(d)-min(d))/25:max(d); % Bin Definitions
knt = histc(d, binrs); % Histogram Counts
s = std(d); % Intial Parameter Estimate
m = mean(d); % Intial Parameter Estimate
% b(1) = mean, b(2) = std, b(3) = amplitude
pdfnrm = @(x,b) b(3) * 1./(b(2)*sqrt(2*pi)) .* exp(-((x-b(1)).^2./(2*b(2).^2)));
SSECF = @(b) sum((knt-pdfnrm(binrs,b)').^2); % Sum-Squared-Error Cost Function
[B,SSE] = fminsearch(SSECF, [m; s; 10]);
bar(binrs,knt,'g') % Plot Histogram
hold on
plot(binrs,pdfnrm(binrs,B),'r') % Plot Normal Distribution
hold off

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