How can I increase coastal resolution with M_map?

13 views (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I am using the code provided as an example to get familair with M_map (see below). However when I ran it, an error(ish) message appeared (see below) which doesn't allowed me to have a full resolution of the coastal are. I already double checked and m_gshhs_f (and all others) are included in the folder. Can anyone help me please?
Warning: Coastline file C:\Matlab_download\m_map1.4\m_map/data/gshhs_f.b not found \n(Have you installed it? See the M_Map
User's Guide for details)\n ---Using default coastline instead
> In mu_coast>get_coasts (line 476)
In mu_coast (line 101)
In m_gshhs (line 118)
In m_gshhs_f (line 28)
In untitled (line 9)
close all
clear all
% add path to TelemacTolls functions (i.e. to read in telemac files into MATLAB):
addpath ('C:\Matlab_download\m_map1.4\m_map\');
m_proj('UTM','long',[-72 -68],'lat',[40 44]);
m_ruler(1.2,[.5 .8]);
% fake up a trackline
  1 Comment
jorge on 22 Aug 2022
I have the same problem, and I haven't been able to fix it
Help please

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Answers (1)

Aleksei on 9 Dec 2022
The first solution I see is:
1) add folder with subfolders: addpath(genpath('C:\Matlab_download\m_map1.4\m_map\'));
your gshhs files are located in the subfolder 'data', but by addpath you add only files in the folder m_map
2) if you want your 'addpath' having permanent effect - don't forget the 'savepath' command

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