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How can I solve this: (x-2)*(x+1)^3?

4 views (last 30 days)
LUCA GIROTTI on 10 Mar 2022
Edited: Sam Chak on 10 Mar 2022
Hey there,
I am trying to process this "(x-2)*(x+1)^3" through matlab in way that I can have a result like this:
However every time I try to perform this operation, matlab keeps on telling me that x is set to nothing, how can I solve this?
Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

Ayaz Siddiqui
Ayaz Siddiqui on 10 Mar 2022
Edited: Ayaz Siddiqui on 10 Mar 2022
Try using expand.
syms x;

More Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 10 Mar 2022
It's good to hear that you tried working out something by yourself. You need to create a symbolic variable for x.
syms x
For more info, please check:
LUCA GIROTTI on 10 Mar 2022
Thank you for your answer @Sam Chak
I tried using "syms x" however thats the result I have (with this input (x-2)*(x+1)^3) :
(x + 1)^3*(x - 2)
Much better since I indeed don't have an error anymore, however it hasn't fully performed the operation.
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 10 Mar 2022
Edited: Sam Chak on 10 Mar 2022
Good to hear that. If you are dealing with algebraic expressions and analytical problems, you will be using syms a lot! You can find lots of examples and learn a lot of functions here to perform many types of symbolic computations:

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