May i ask has anyone know how to save the final agents for multi-anegt reforcement learning ?

1 view (last 30 days)
For a multi-agent RL with three agents , after the agents are well trained, i use the follow command
trainingOpts.SaveAgentDirectory = pwd + "\Agents";
save(trainingOpts.SaveAgentDirectory + "/finalAgent1.0.mat",'agent')
to save the trained agents, but the commond window shows
Variable 'agent' not found
I have used this command to save the single agent, and it worked.
Has anyone know how to save the final agents for multi-anegt reforcement learning ?
thank you

Answers (1)

arushi on 6 Sep 2024
Hi 张 冠宇 ,
I understand that you have multi-agent reinforcement learning and want to save multiple agents, here is how you can do the same.
  • Create a cell array or structure to store the agents. Each element of the cell array or structure represents an agent.
  • Assign the trained agents to the corresponding elements of the cell array or structure.
  • Use the save command to save the entire cell array or structure containing the agents.
Here's an example of how you can modify your code to save multiple agents:
% crate cell array to store the agents
agents = cell(1, 3);
agents(1) = agentA;
agents(2) = agentB;
agents(3) = agentC;
%save agents
save("Agents/finalAgents.mat", 'agents');
Make sure the directory "Agents" exists before saving the agents, or adjust the path accordingly to a valid directory where you want to save the agents.
Please find links to below documentation which I believe will help you for further reference.
Hope this helps.

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