Find the euclidean distance
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I want to find the euclidean distance of 1 specific feature in one image.Then the corresponding feature in the second image. How to find the euclidean distance of these two points? Any suggestions.
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 3 Dec 2014
I wouldn't use ginput() or pdist(). I'd use the function improfile() in the Image Processing Toolbox. It's a lot easier to use than imdistline(). Here's a snippet:
% Display sample image.
grayImage = imread('moon.tif');
title('Left click, then right click');
% Have user draw the line.
[x, y, grayLevels] = improfile();
% Re-Draw the line in the overlay (which normally vanishes)
line([x(1), x(end)], [y(1), y(end)]);
% Compute the distance between the endpoints.
dist = sqrt((x(end)-x(1))^2 + (y(end)-y(1))^2)
Image Analyst
on 3 Dec 2014
It will still work, as is. You might want to rename variables to make them more accurately descriptive, like rgbImage instead of grayImage.
More Answers (1)
Deepesh B
on 2 Dec 2014
dist_out = pdist(feature_array,'euclidean');
if u want to use b/w 2 images use this
dist_out = pdist2(i1, i2,'euclidean')
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