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Solving algebraic equations without using symbolic variables

13 views (last 30 days)
How do you solve an algebraic equation like x+y=2 for x without using symbolic variables - for example by defining a function handle y = 1; f = @(x) x+y and setting it equal to 2? Y's value is known so only x needs to be found.
David Hill
David Hill on 11 Feb 2022
Your question is trival. I have a hard time understanding your question.
Aleem Andrew
Aleem Andrew on 11 Feb 2022
It's not trivial simply because you can't understand it and besides that's just an example.

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Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 11 Feb 2022
For one equation in one unknown, use fzero.
y = 1;
f = @(x) x + y;
initialGuess = 42;
% Find a zero of f(x) - 2 = 0 which is equivalent to f(x) = 2
x = fzero(@(x) f(x) - 2, initialGuess)
x = 1
check = f(x) % Should be close to 2
check = 2

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