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greek letters in a static text (GUI)

5 views (last 30 days)
Pietro Rossi
Pietro Rossi on 22 Sep 2011
Hi everyone.
How can I type greek letter in a STATIC TEXT? I'm developing my gui and I can't resolve this problem: I have seen that in the static text Matlab doesn't use Latex compilator. I know I should use html, but this seems working just with Toogle Button.
Thanks a lot for your answer, best regards

Answers (2)

Aurelien Queffurust
Aurelien Queffurust on 22 Sep 2011

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 22 Sep 2011
Now lets see if I can get all the font encodings correct:
h = uicontrol(gcf, 'Style', 'Text', 'String', 'π')
Just use extended character sets.


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