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lookup table/n dimension interpolation

1 view (last 30 days)
RR on 25 Jan 2022
Answered: Benjamin Thompson on 25 Jan 2022
Dear all,
I need to find a model/look up table so that given as inpunt two 2D points (pa=(xa,ya); pb=(xb,yb))I will have as output one 3D point(P=(x, y, z)).
In order to find this correspondence I performed some descrete measurments. I obtained a matrix C 22x3 containing reference 3D points and two matrices 22x2 containing correspondind 2D points (PA (22x2) and PB(22x2)).
I am not trained on simulink. Can a lookup table in simulink resolve this problem? How?
Is it better to use an n-d interpolation?
Thak you very much in advace.

Answers (1)

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson on 25 Jan 2022
Simulink has a number of blocks implementing different types of lookup functions.


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