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How to replace all but one value with zero

20 views (last 30 days)
I have generated the following vector f:
f=[49; 18; 48]
And I want to be able to replace each element, except let's say f21, with a value, let's say zero.
f=[0; 18; 0]
I have been playing around with loops, but I cant seem to figure it out just yet..
Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this? Preferably a solution that also works for larger matrices.

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 3 Jan 2022
f=[49; 18; 48] ;
f(f~=18) = 0 ; % repalce by value
f=[49; 18; 48]
iwant = zeros(size(f)) ;
iwant(3) = f(3) ; % replace by index

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