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Coding Euler's Method!!

1 view (last 30 days)
Sharif on 8 Nov 2014
Answered: Mohammad Abouali on 9 Nov 2014
Hello everyone so I am trying to code Euler's method to solve this matrix A and I can't figure it out. Here is my code so far:
k_AB = 0.4;
k_BC = 0.1;
k_CA = 0.4;
k_ba = 0.2;
k_cb = 0.45;
k_ac = 0.16;
A = [ (-k_AB - k_ac), k_ba, k_CA;
k_AB, (-k_BC - k_ba), k_cb;
k_ac, k_BC, (-k_CA - k_cb); ];
x0 = [1;0;0];
h = 0.1;
for t = 0:0.1:1
xNEW = x0 + h*(A*x0);
x0 = xNEW
x0 = [2;0;0];
It seems that my first step has the 3 correct values, but every step after that is incorrect. If anyone who is familiar with Euler's Explicit Method can help I'd be extremely grateful! I've been trying this for hours on my Friday night :(
So step size = 0.1, initial conditions = [1;0;0] from time interval 0:0.1:1
Any help works!
Sharif on 8 Nov 2014
I tried solving it by hand and trust my hand-written answers more than my MATLAB code. And can you elaborate about what you said about the derivative of matrix A?
Sharif on 9 Nov 2014
Anybody think they can help? :\

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Accepted Answer

Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali on 9 Nov 2014
Your code is correct. What is x0 = [2;0;0]; at the end though.
Here is a modified version of your code. It is modified in such a way that you plot the changes in time at the end for each element of x
close all;
k_AB = 0.4;
k_BC = 0.1;
k_CA = 0.4;
k_ba = 0.2;
k_cb = 0.45;
k_ac = 0.16;
A = [ (-k_AB - k_ac), k_ba, k_CA;
k_AB, (-k_BC - k_ba), k_cb;
k_ac, k_BC, (-k_CA - k_cb); ];
x(:,1) = [1;0;0];
h = 0.1;
for i=2:numel(t)
x(:,i) = x(:,i-1) + h*(A*x(:,i-1));
hold on

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