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How to keep positions of node/element number labels consistent with various FE mesh resolution?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a function plotting the FE mesh with node numbers and element numbers displayed. For (meshx,meshy) = (30,15), the positions of node/element number labels look perfect for me. I.e., node number shown on the bottom-right corner of the corresponding node; element number shown on the center of the corresponding element. However, as I scale FE mesh to (meshx,meshy) = (100,50), the positions of those labels moved away... How do I adpat the code so that the positions of those labels can be scaled with different mesh resolution?
function plotGrid(meshx, meshy)
% Plot FE mesh and diaplay node numbers as well as element numbers
% Initialization of figure object and variables
figure('Name', 'Finite Element Mesh', ...
'Numbertitle','off', ...
'Position', get(0, 'Screensize'));
nNodes = (meshx+1)*(meshy+1);
nElements = (meshx)*(meshy);
[X_nodes,Y_nodes] = meshgrid(0:meshx, 0:meshy);
[X_elements,Y_elements] = meshgrid(linspace(0.5, meshx-0.5, meshx), linspace(0.5, meshy-0.5, meshy));
% Plot the grid lines
plot(X_nodes, Y_nodes, 'k', X_nodes', Y_nodes', 'k');
title('Finite Element Mesh');
subtitle({sprintf('(meshx, meshy) = (%i, %i)', meshx, meshy), ''});
% Create the lists of node numbers and element numbers
nodeNumbers = mat2cell(num2str((1:nNodes)'), ones(nNodes,1));
elementNumbers = mat2cell(num2str((1:nElements)'), ones(nElements,1));
% Insert the labels for node numbers and element numbers
text(X_nodes(:), Y_nodes(:)+0.1, nodeNumbers, 'FontSize', 8, 'Color', 'k');
text(X_elements(:)-0.1, Y_elements(:), elementNumbers, 'FontSize', 10, 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'Color', 'r');

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