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beta distribution define !

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Pablo Brando
Pablo Brando on 29 Nov 2021
Edited: Balaji on 22 Feb 2024
sample 10000 values from the beta distribution
In each case, count the number of pairs you need to generate until you find 10000 succesful ones.
for alpha = 2 beta = 3 and . Plot the density curve using the plot function and the histogram derived from your samples.
This is the matlab code to find 1 succesful one, but i need to find 10000 and count the pairs needed to get them,
alpha=2; beta=3; a=0; b=1; c=2.5;
X=0; Y=c; % Initial values
while Y > gamma(alpha+beta)/gamma(alpha)/gamma(beta)*X.^(alpha-1).*(1-X).^(beta-1))
U=rand; V=rand; X=a+(b-a)*U; Y=c*V;
end; X
I cant use any other random number generator, the problem is i dont know how to generate 10000 samples with a loop

Answers (1)

Balaji on 22 Feb 2024
Edited: Balaji on 22 Feb 2024
Hello Pablo,
I understand that you want to generate 10,000 samples from the beta distribution using the acceptance-rejection method.
You can use a while loop to keep generating pairs until you have enough successful ones. I suggest you to refer to the following code for reference:
alpha = 2; beta = 3; a = 0; b = 1; c = 2.5;
successful_samples = 0;
total_pairs = 0;
samples = zeros(1, 10000);
while successful_samples < 10000
U = rand;
V = rand;
X = a + (b - a) * U;
Y = c * V;
% Check if the generated point (X, Y) is under the beta PDF curve
if Y <= (gamma(alpha + beta) / (gamma(alpha) * gamma(beta))) * X^(alpha - 1) * (1 - X)^(beta - 1)
successful_samples = successful_samples + 1;
samples(successful_samples) = X;
total_pairs = total_pairs + 1;
% Now you have 10,000 samples in 'samples' and the number of pairs generated in 'total_pairs'
% Plot the density curve
x_values = linspace(0, 1, 100);
pdf_values = betapdf(x_values, alpha, beta);
plot(x_values, pdf_values, 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
% Plot the histogram of the samples
histogram(samples, 'Normalization', 'pdf');
legend('Beta PDF', 'Histogram of Samples');
title('Density Curve and Histogram of Beta Distributed Samples');
Hope this helps,


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