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why we will get voltage spike across inductors

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Dear all, I am trying the simulate RL Transient analysis using Simulink .... In which i have considered three branches in 1st branch i kept DC Voltage Source 100 V and Switch (S1) in series 2nd branch Series R=1 Ohm L=1H 3rd branch Switch (S2) and Resistance in series and I am trying to simulate it from 0 to 10 sec .... and I have given 1 to 5 sec for S1 switch to close and at 5th sec S1 will be OFF and S2 will be in OFF only & S2 will be on from 6th sec to 10 sec
Issue : I have kept Voltmeter across the Inductor but at the 5th sec i have observed a voltage spike
can some one help me how to resolve the issue
Regards Reddy

Answers (1)

Iain on 21 Aug 2014
Inductors get voltage spikes across them when a voltage is suddenly applied to it. Its what they do.
The voltage on an inductor is the inductance (in henries) multiplied by the rate of change in current (Amps per sec).
Why do you think that it is a problem?
  1 Comment
Ramana manohar
Ramana manohar on 21 Aug 2014
Sir,Thanks for the reply but............. I am having the voltage spikes of order 10^6 during Switch S1 turn OFF . and those spikes are in between 5 to 6 sec in which inductor is completely isolated .

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