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Nishant Nain
Nishant Nain on 1 Sep 2011
How to plot trajectory of an object when the angle of launch varies from 15-75 using 15 degree increments. I have the code to plot it. However, all the 4 plots are blue in color. How do I make it display different colored plots for different angles?

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Sep 2011
hold on
Nishant Nain
Nishant Nain on 1 Sep 2011
here's the code I have-
y0= 0; % m/s
v0=28; % m/s
g=9.8; % acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
x=0:5:80; %distance from 0-100 in increments of 5
for th= 15:15:75;
y= (tand(th) .*x ) - (g.*x)/((2.*v0.^2).*(cosd(th)).^2) + y0;
plot (x,y);
legend (x,y);
xlabel('distance 0-80');
ylabel('vertical displacement y');
axis square;
hold on;
What should I change in this to make the plots look different.
Nishant Nain
Nishant Nain on 1 Sep 2011
^^ gives the plot with different angles but I can't get it to show different colors/forms for seperate values of th

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Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov on 1 Sep 2011
Vectorized version, you can see here that the color is automatically selected for each column of y
y0 = 0;
v0 = 28;
g = 9.8;
x = 0:5:80;
th = 15:15:75;
y = bsxfun(@times,tand(th), x.') - bsxfun(@rdivide, g*x.',2*v0^2*cosd(th).^2) + y0;
plot (repmat(x.',1,5),y);
xlabel('distance 0-80');
ylabel('vertical displacement y');
axis square
Note that you legend accepts strings not doubles.
Otherwise use the syntax that Walter suggested:
y0 = 0; % m/s
v0 = 28; % m/s
g = 9.8; % acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
x = 0:5:80; %distance from 0-100 in increments of 5
th = 15:15:75;
clr = {'r','g','b','c','m'}; % Colors
h = axes;
hold on
for t = 1:numel(th)
y = tand(th(t))*x - g*x/(2*v0^2*cosd(th(t))^2) + y0;
xlabel('distance 0-80');
ylabel('vertical displacement y');
Some suggestions, don't abuse the parenthesis and try to understand when you really need .* instead of *.



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