Clear Filters
Clear Filters

GUI ...I have called one image on axes1 with the help of one push how to call first image on axes2 with the help of second push button..??

1 view (last 30 days)
I have called one image on axes1 with the help of one push button.. with the help of second push button again i call image, conversion apply on it.. but when i am click second push button then again all image open steps are doing.. directly push button not taking reference of axes1 image for axes2.. what i do??
Ben11 on 12 Aug 2014
As Joakim I didn't quite understand, but you might want to use the 'parent' property of imshow to display the right image on the right axes:
So is your problem that only the first image (image_gray) is displayed in the first axes?

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Accepted Answer

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 12 Aug 2014
Kanu - if you want to avoid opening the file browser a second time and take the image directly from the first axes, then what you can do is save the image data to the handles structure using guidata. Modify the callback for your first push button as
function open_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.m', 'Pick a MATLAB code file');
if isequal(filename,0)
disp('User pressed cancel')
a = imread(filename);
title('original image');
% now update the handles structure with the image
handles.imgData = a;
% save the handles data
Now, the image data is available wherever your code has access to the handles structure. So in your second button callback, do
function conversion_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% check to make sure that the image data exists in handles
if isfield(handles,'imgData')
% grab the image data from handles
I = handles.imgData;
ginv = imcomplement (image_gray);
adahist = adapthisteq(ginv);
L = medfilt2(adahist,[3 3]);
D = medfilt2(L,[3 3]);
title('filtered image');
So the above is similar to your code with the exception of the file browsing being replaced with the access to the image data from handles.
Try the above and see what happens!

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