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Plot sphere region by given binary map.

3 views (last 30 days)
sarel aharoni
sarel aharoni on 20 Sep 2021
Answered: Gautam on 22 May 2024
Hey I try to build code that make 3d plot of sphere's part according to given 180x360 binary map (azimuth and elevation). As the example in this image:
I try use this code:
if true
clc; clear all ;
I = imread('viewmap.bmp') ;
[m,n] = size(I) ;
[X,Y,Z] = sphere(m-1,n-1) ;
But i got the black area plot as black instead if grid plot .... Anyone can help me with that? Thanks alot.
darova on 20 Sep 2021
I don't understand the question. You have problem with surface?
sarel aharoni
sarel aharoni on 20 Sep 2021
I had the bw map And i wanna plot the sphere with surface only in the white area like in the picture above.

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Answers (1)

Gautam on 22 May 2024
Hello Sareal
I understand that you want to project the white area of the binary image on a sphere.
The reason you get the sphere black, and the projected area white in color is because the code you have provided uses the binary image as the color data which has values of either 0 or 1.
To get the plot as shown in the image you have posted, you can use the ‘mesh’ function to plot the sphere as a mesh plot and plot the projection as a surface plot using the ‘surf’ function.
Below is the result of this process and the binary image used for the projection
You can refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on the ‘mesh’ function
Thank You
Gautam Murthy

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