How extract coordinate x,y from LidarSALM object
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how do I extract x, y coordinates from LidarSLAM object into array? if I use [scansSLAM, poses] = scansAndPoses (objectSlam); so I only get the data I previously added to with addscan. Is there such a function or is it necessary to write it down?
Answers (1)
Shantanu Dixit
on 26 Nov 2024
Hi Michal,
As of MATLAB R2024b, there doesn't seem to be a built in function to directly access the 'x' and 'y' coordinates from the 'lidarSLAM' object. For accessing the information you can extract the x and y coordinates from a 'lidarSLAM' object using 'scansAndPoses' and store them in an array directly.
[~, poses] = scansAndPoses(objectSlam); % assuming objectSlam is the lidarSLAM object
% poses matrix is nX3 matrix of [x y theta] vectors
xCoordinates = poses(:,1)
yCoordinates = poses(:,2)
theta = poses(:,3)
Hope this helps!
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