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I have a set of 3D points (x,y,z) , I want to take each point and calculate the sum of distances from all other points from this point and find the minimum of it , could you help me with codes?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a set of 3D points (x,y,z) , I want to take each point and calculate the sum of distances from all other points from this point and find the minimum of it , could you help me with codes?

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 30 Jun 2014
Edited: Image Analyst on 30 Jun 2014
Did you try this:
distances = sqrt((xp - xyz(:,1))^2 + (yp - xyz(:,2))^2 + (zp - xyz(:,3))^2);
sumOfDistances = sum(distances);
[minDistance, indexOfMin] = min(distances);
where (xp, yp, zp) is the single point, and xyz is the array of all points?

Matt J
Matt J on 30 Jun 2014
See IPDM ( link )


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