How to get bode transfer function from an idss structure?

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Hello, I have an array of idss state space models and i'd like to get the Bode Transfer function: is there a way?
Also, I am using the bode plot matlab function as bodeplot(m) where m an idss structure or an array of idss. I'd like to have the plot in Hz: Ive read that the solution for that is
but this is not working in any case. How can I do that? Thanks a lot

Answers (1)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 21 Feb 2014
Edited: Arkadiy Turevskiy on 21 Feb 2014
You can use function bode to get magnitude and phase of an individual stat space system from the array. If you want an array of magnitudes and phases, you'll need to create a double for loop. Use bodeplot to change frequency to Hz.
% create 7 by 8 array of idss
A = rand(2,2,7,8);
sysarr = idss(A,[2;1],[1 1],0);
% draw bode plot h=bodeplot(sysarr);
% change frequency to Hz
% compute array of magnitudes and phases
for ii=1:arrsize(3),
for jj=1:arrsize(4),
Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 21 Feb 2014
Edited: Arkadiy Turevskiy on 21 Feb 2014
what version of MATLAB are you using and what products do you have on your license? Do >>ver to check that.
The code I provided runs fine for me and does not produce any errors.
If you want poles and zeros, you do not need bode plot, you can simply do this:
% check poles for 1,1 array element
% check zeros for 1,1 array element
Francesco on 25 Feb 2014
I have Matlab 2010 for Mac. The System Identification Toolbox is installed but some functions (such as setoptions, getoptions, pole, zero) are missing.

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