array assignment question
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I have this code:
a = zeros(4, 5);
b = ones(2, 4);
[rows columns] = size(b);
% Define upper left of where I want to place array b
leftColumn = 1;
topRow = 3;
% Do the assignment to place it there.
a(topRow:topRow+rows-1, leftcolumn:leftColumn-columns-1) = b;
How can I change it to define the right Column and not the left? I tried many changes but I have not found it yet! Thank you..
Accepted Answer
Matt Tearle
on 11 Feb 2011
So, this is what you want?
a = zeros(4, 5);
b = ones(2, 4);
[rows columns] = size(b);
% Define upper left of where I want to place array b
rightColumn = 4;
topRow = 3;
% Do the assignment to place it there.
a(topRow:(topRow+rows-1), (rightColumn-columns+1):rightColumn) = b;
Or do you want the columns of b flipped? In which case, just replace = b; with = fliplr(b);
More Answers (2)
Rob Graessle
on 10 Feb 2011
So you just want to flip the horizontal orientation of b before you insert it into the same location in a?
a(topRow:topRow+rows-1, leftColumn:leftColumn+columns-1) = fliplr(b);
Is that what you want?
Oleg Komarov
on 10 Feb 2011
I assume you wanted to do:
A = zeros(4, 5);
B = ones(2, 4);
szA = size(A);
szB = size(B);
% Align to top left
A(1:szB(1),1:szB(2)) = B
A =
1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
% Align to top right
A(1:szB(1), 1 + szA(2)-szB(2):end) = B
A =
0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
If you want to keep exactly your code:
a = zeros(4, 5);
b = ones(2, 4);
[rows columns] = size(b);
% Define upper left of where I want to place array b
leftColumn = 2;
topRow = 3;
% Do the assignment to place it there.
a(topRow:topRow+rows-1, leftColumn:leftColumn+columns-1) = b;
I just changed leftColumn to 2.
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