How to implement an ACO algorithm for vehicle routing?

11 views (last 30 days)
I am currently studying different methods to solve VRP and was wondering whether there are any pre-written codes to implement possible solution techniques available? Considering ACO, Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithms. Thanks.
Zihao Qi
Zihao Qi on 3 May 2019
can you share the VRP code to would be of great help. Many thanks!!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 May 2019
What happened when you investigated the code at the link that I posted in 2015? I just checked and the programs still appear to be present there.

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Accepted Answer

Tomislav Broni?
Tomislav Broni? on 10 Jul 2011
yes there are, the only thing you need to do is write ACO/GA VRP (or TSP) into google and voila! for an example, here: the documentation is on Croatian, but the programs are understandable in english. (program download link is in the upper right corner on the site, for each algorythm a few problems they can solve.

More Answers (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 10 Jul 2011
Like I said to your duplicate post in the newsgroup:
There are some in the File Exchange. Go look there.
I have no opinion if they are "good" or not.

habady on 9 Mar 2012
i need code for solving VRP all i can find is only for TSP
hiboat on 21 Jul 2017
*Hi friends, I need help on how to simulate Ant Colony Optimization for Vehicle Routing Problem in MATLAB asap please ... Connect with me via my email

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Herni Citra
Herni Citra on 23 Oct 2020
Halo, could i get code for VRPTW using genetic algorithm? Please help me to finish my exam seminar. I would really appriciate if you send me. Thankyou

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