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line of code help!

3 views (last 30 days)
HUH on 3 Dec 2013
Answered: dpb on 3 Dec 2013
I was wondering if someone could help me diagnose what the 3rd to last line of code - y{jj,ii}(:,(ii+1):end) = x{jj}(:,(ii+1):end); -- does for this block.
for jj = 1:N
y{jj,1} = ones(N+1);
y{jj,1}(:,2:end) = x{jj}(:,2:end);
A(jj,1) = det(y{jj,1});
y{jj,ii} = ones(N+1);
y{jj,ii}(:,1:(ii-1)) = x{jj}(:,1:(ii-1));
y{jj,ii}(:,(ii+1):end) = x{jj}(:,(ii+1):end);
A(jj,ii) = det(y{jj,ii});

Answers (1)

dpb on 3 Dec 2013
for jj = 1:N
y{jj,ii}(:,1:(ii-1)) = x{jj}(:,1:(ii-1));
y{jj,ii}(:,(ii+1):end) = x{jj}(:,(ii+1):end);
Just loading the columns of the array from (ii+1)th to the last similarly as does the preceding line load from the first column to the (ii-1)th. The two lines together load all columns excepting for ii.
doc end
if it's that that's confusing -- it's a builtin that's position-sensitive as to what it returns, specifically.


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