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initial centroid in k-means

1 view (last 30 days)
min ho lee
min ho lee on 22 Nov 2013
Edited: min ho lee on 23 Nov 2013
Hi,Is there the kmeans that initial center is selected by the user?
  1 Comment
min ho lee
min ho lee on 22 Nov 2013
Edited: min ho lee on 22 Nov 2013
initial seed selected by Page Rank and can you give an example?

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Nov 2013
If you are using then use the Start option and supply the matrix of centroids.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Nov 2013
Perhaps you have an old version. What does it say about MATLAB's version and toolboxes when you issue the "ver" command? Do you have the Statistics Toolbox installed?
min ho lee
min ho lee on 23 Nov 2013
Edited: min ho lee on 23 Nov 2013
MATLAB Version ,Statistics Toolbox Version 7.1

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