Trouble reading Tektronix DPO 3012 Oscilloscope
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I am writing an Oscillosope to MATLAB interface using the Tektronix DPO 3012 and the Instrument Control Toolbox. I have a 64 bit Windows machine and am running MATLAB v. 7.11. and i have NI VISA 2.11
when i do instrObj=visa('ni',USB0::0x0699::0x0410::C0410::C010401::INSTR')
an object is created but tmtool does not recognize my oscilloscope in the USB tab
also, >>instrhwinfo('visa')
gives me
InstalledAdaptors: {'ni'} JarfileVersion: 'Version 2.11.0'
Answers (1)
Rob Purser
on 6 Jul 2011
If you get an object back at the command line, you're good to go! You can call fopen on it.
If you want to work in TMTOOL, right click on the node and choose scan. you should see the instrument appear. Click on it, and choose connect.
If you want to do the same thing at the commend line, call instrhwinfo('visa','ni') -- it should return a list of instruments.
See Also
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