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How do I know if MCR is installed & if yes where?

7 views (last 30 days)
Hubert on 5 Nov 2013
Edited: Yatin on 11 Nov 2013
OK. On linux have compiled a program using the command "mcc -m myMfile" but can't run the resulting "".
I know that the functions MCR & MCRinstaller tell me where the mcr installation program is. But could someone tell me:
a) how to determine if the MCR is currently installed on my system. i.e. has the program MCRinstaller already been run. b) if it is where is it installed (how do I determine the so called "<mcr_directory>" mentioned in the file readme.txt that is created by "mcc -m ..." on linux)

Answers (1)

Yatin on 7 Nov 2013
Edited: Yatin on 11 Nov 2013
Hi Hubert,
You can try using the "find" function in Linux to check if you have any MCR files on your machine. Also as far as executing the .sh file is concerned you also need to check if you have the right permissions for executing the executable on your machine.


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