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Resource unit allocation information


info = ruInfo(cfg) returns info, resource unit (RU) allocation information for a format configuration object cfg.



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Use the ruInfo function to get the resource unit information of single user and multi-user HE configuration objects.

Get Single User RU Allocation Information

Create a single user HE configuration object. Get and display the RU allocation information for the configured object.

hesu = wlanHESUConfig;
ru = ruInfo(hesu)
ru = struct with fields:
                    NumUsers: 1
                      NumRUs: 1
                   RUIndices: 1
                     RUSizes: 242
               NumUsersPerRU: 1
    NumSpaceTimeStreamsPerRU: 1
       PowerBoostFactorPerRU: 1
                   RUNumbers: 1

Get Multiuser RU Allocation Information

Create a multiuser HE configuration object with the allocation index set to 5, which configures the object with seven users. Get and display the RU allocation information for the configured object.

hemu = wlanHEMUConfig(5);
ru = ruInfo(hemu)
ru = struct with fields:
                    NumUsers: 7
                      NumRUs: 7
                   RUIndices: [1 2 2 5 6 7 4]
                     RUSizes: [26 26 52 26 26 26 52]
               NumUsersPerRU: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
    NumSpaceTimeStreamsPerRU: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
       PowerBoostFactorPerRU: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
                   RUNumbers: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]

Create a two user HE configuration object. Make the RU for the second user inactive by setting the station identity to 2046.

Create a multiuser HE configuration object with the allocation index set to 96, which configures an object for two users. The resource information shows that RUs are active for two users.

hemu = wlanHEMUConfig(96);
ans = struct with fields:
                    NumUsers: 2
                      NumRUs: 2
                   RUIndices: [1 2]
                     RUSizes: [106 106]
               NumUsersPerRU: [1 1]
    NumSpaceTimeStreamsPerRU: [1 1]
       PowerBoostFactorPerRU: [1 1]
                   RUNumbers: [1 2]

Set the station identity to 2046 for the second user. The RU allocation information now shows that RUs are active only for RU index 1.

hemu.User{2}.STAID = 2046;
ans = struct with fields:
                    NumUsers: 2
                      NumRUs: 1
                   RUIndices: 1
                     RUSizes: 106
               NumUsersPerRU: 1
    NumSpaceTimeStreamsPerRU: 1
       PowerBoostFactorPerRU: 1
                   RUNumbers: 1

Input Arguments

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Format configuration object, specified as an object of type wlanEHTMUConfig, wlanEHTTBConfig, wlanHEMUConfig, wlanHESUConfig, or wlanHETBConfig.

Output Arguments

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Information about the RU properties of the input object, returned as a structure.

Number of users, returned as an integer in the range [1, 144]. When you specify cfg as an object of type wlanHEMUConfig, wlanHESUConfig, or wlanHETBConfig, the maximum number of users is 74. When you specify cfg as an object of type wlanEHTMUConfig or wlanEHTTBConfig, the maximum number of users is 144.

Data Types: double

Number of RUs, returned as an integer in the range [1, 144]. When you specify cfg as an object of type wlanHEMUConfig, wlanHESUConfig, or wlanHETBConfig, the maximum number of RUs is 74. When you specify cfg as an object of type wlanEHTMUConfig or wlanEHTTBConfig, the maximum number of RUs is 144.

Data Types: double

RU indices, returned as:

Data Types: double | cell

Resource unit sizes, returned as:

  • An integer or a 1-by-NumRUs vector with elements that have integer values of 26, 52, 106, 242, 484, 968, 996, or 1992. This applies when you specify cfg as an object of type wlanHEMUConfig, wlanHESUConfig, or wlanHETBConfig.

  • A 1-by-NumRUs cell array of vectors with elements that have integer values of 26, 52, 106, 242, 484, 968, 996, 1992, or 3984. This applies when you specify cfg as an object of type wlanEHTMUConfig or wlanEHTTBConfig.

Data Types: double

Number of users per RU, returned as an integer or a 1-by-NumRUs vector with elements that have integer values in the range [1, 8].

Data Types: double

Number of space-time streams per RU, returned as an integer or a 1-by-NumRUsvector with elements that have integer values in the range [1, 8].

Data Types: double

Power boost factor per RU, returned as an integer or a 1-by-NumRUs vector with elements that have scalar values in the range [0.5, 2].

Data Types: double

RU numbers, returned as an integer or a 1-by-NumRUs vector with elements that have integer values in the range [1, 144]. RUNumbers correspond to the indices for each active RU configured in the cfg.RU object. An RU is inactive when it contains a single station with its station identifier set to 2046.

Data Types: double

Data Types: struct

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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