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Control NI USRP radio device

Since R2024a


The usrp System object™ streams samples from the radio front end of an NI™ USRP™ radio device with a custom FPGA image created using the Target NI USRP Radios Workflow.

To stream samples from the radio front end:

  1. Create the usrp object and set its properties.

  2. Call the object with arguments, as if it were a function.

To learn more about how System objects work, see What Are System Objects?

The diagram shows an overview of the internal architecture of an NI USRP radio. The usrp System object enables the following:

  • Configure the radio front end by setting the object Properties.

  • Stream samples from the radio front end by calling the object as if it were a function:


  • Transmit a test waveform over the air using the transmit function. This enables you to test the receive path on your DUT.

  • Retrieve captured data from the PL DDR buffer using the capture function. This enables you to test the transmit path on your DUT.

Simplified block diagram of NI USRP radio architecture showing the functionality of the usrp System object. The radio contains PL DDR buffer, user logic, and radio front end. The radio front end block connects to transmit and receive antennas that can be configured as DUT output/transmit antennas and DUT input/capture antennas.

For details on how to use the usrp System object with object functions to connect to, configure and control your NI USRP radio device, see the call sequence in Object Functions.




device = usrp(radio)

device = usrp(radio,Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, TransmitCenterFrequency=2.4e9 specifies a center frequency of 2.4 GHz on all DUT output and transmit antennas.

Input Arguments

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Radio setup configuration, specified as a string scalar. To create a radio setup configuration, set up your radio and save your radio setup configuration using the Radio Setup wizard. To list all saved radio setup configurations, call the radioConfigurations function.

For a list of supported radios, see Supported Radio Devices.

Example: "MyRadio" indicates that you saved a radio setup configuration under the name MyRadio in the Radio Setup wizard.


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Unless otherwise indicated, properties are nontunable, which means you cannot change their values after calling the object. Objects lock when you call them, and the release function unlocks them.

If a property is tunable, you can change its value at any time.

For more information on changing property values, see System Design in MATLAB Using System Objects.

Radio Antenna Properties

Radio center frequency in Hz, specified as one of these options.

  • Positive numeric scalar — The object applies this value by scalar expansion to each antenna specified in the DUTOutputAntennas and TransmitAntennas properties.

  • Numeric array — The object applies the ith array element value to the ith antenna in the DUTOutputAntennas and TransmitAntennas properties, in that order.

The valid center frequency range depends on the radio device.

Radio DeviceCenter Frequency


1 MHz to 6 GHz


1 MHz to 6 GHz


1 MHz to 6 GHz


10 MHz to 6 GHz


1 MHz to 8 GHz


When setting this property for multiple antennas on the USRP N310 radio, consider these hardware characteristics.

  • The antenna ports on the RF0 and RF1 radio channels use the same center frequency. Therefore, set identical center frequency values for the antennas specified as "RF0:RX2" and "RF1:RX2".

  • The antenna ports on the RF2 and RF3 radio channels use the same center frequency. Therefore, set identical center frequency values for the antennas specified as "RF2:RX2" and "RF3:RX2".

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

Gain in dB of the DUT output and transmit antennas, specified as one of these options.

  • Positive numeric scalar — The object applies this value by scalar expansion to each antenna that you specify in the DUTOutputAntennas and TransmitAntennas properties.

  • Numeric array — The object applies the ith array element value to the ith antenna in the DUTOutputAntennas and TransmitAntennas properties, in that order.

The valid gain range depends on the radio device.

Radio DeviceCapture Radio Gain


0 dB to 75 dB


0 dB to 60 dB


0 dB to 60 dB


0 dB to 31.5 dB


0 dB to 60 dB

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

Radio center frequency in Hz, specified as one of these options.

  • Positive numeric scalar — The object applies this value by scalar expansion to each antenna specified in the DUTInputAntennas and CaptureAntennas properties.

  • Numeric array — The object applies the ith array element value to the ith antenna in the DUTInputAntennas and CaptureAntennas properties, in that order..

The valid center frequency range depends on the radio device.

Radio DeviceCenter Frequency


1 MHz to 6 GHz


1 MHz to 6 GHz


1 MHz to 6 GHz


10 MHz to 6 GHz


1 MHz to 8 GHz


When setting this property for multiple antennas on the USRP N310 radio, consider these hardware characteristics.

  • The antenna ports on the RF0 and RF1 radio channels use the same center frequency. Therefore, set identical center frequency values for the antennas specified as "RF0:RX2" and "RF1:RX2".

  • The antenna ports on the RF2 and RF3 radio channels use the same center frequency. Therefore, set identical center frequency values for the antennas specified as "RF2:RX2" and "RF3:RX2".

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

Gain in dB of the DUT input and capture antennas, specified as one of these options.

  • Positive numeric scalar — The object applies this value by scalar expansion to each antenna that you specify in the DUTInputAntennas and CaptureAntennas properties.

  • Numeric array — The object applies the ith array element value to the ith antenna in the DUTInputAntennas and CaptureAntennas properties, in that order.

The valid gain range depends on the radio device.

Radio DeviceCapture Radio Gain


0 dB to 75 dB


0 dB to 60 dB


0 dB to 60 dB


0 dB to 31.5 dB


0 dB to 60 dB

Tunable: Yes

Data Types: double

Baseband sample rate of the radio front end in Hz, specified as a positive numeric scalar. The default is the sample rate specified in the Configure HDL Code Generation Settings step of the targeting workflow.

For details on how to set a valid sample rate, see Baseband Sample Rate in NI USRP Radios. The valid sample rate depends on the radio device.

Data Types: double

Radio antennas for input to the DUT, specified as one of these options.

  • String scalar — Specify use of single antenna.

  • String array — Specify use of multiple antennas.

If multiple antennas are specified, they are assigned to the input data streaming interfaces in the DUT in order. For example, the first antenna is assigned to input data streaming interface 0, and the Nth antenna is assigned to input data streaming interface N-1. The input data streaming interfaces are mapped to the hardware interfaces in the Map Data Streaming Inputs step of the targeting workflow.

Use this table to identify a supported radio antenna port on the radio device and the corresponding string constant that you can specify for this property. The default value depends on the radio.

Radio DeviceSupported Antenna PortString Scalar


RF0 channel: RX2 port"RF0:RX2" (default)
RF1 channel: RX2 port"RF1:RX2"
RF2 channel: RX2 port"RF2:RX2"
RF3 channel: RX2 port"RF3:RX2"


RF0 channel: RX2 port"RF0:RX2" (default)
RF1 channel: RX2 port"RF1:RX2"


RF0 channel: RX2 port"RF0:RX2" (default)
RF1 channel: RX2 port"RF1:RX2"


RFA channel: RX2 port

"RFA:RX2" (default)

RFB channel: RX2 port



DB0 RF0 channel: RX 1 port

"DB0:RF0:RX1" (default)

DB0 RF1 channel: RX 1 port


DB1 RF0 channel: RX 1 port


DB1 RF1 channel: RX 1 port


Example: DUTInputAntennas=["RF0:RX2","RF1:RX2"] specifies two DUT input antennas.

Data Types: string

Radio antennas for transmitting from DUT, specified as one of these options.

  • String scalar — Specify use of single antenna.

  • String array — Specify use of multiple antennas.

If multiple antennas are specified, they are assigned to the output data streaming interfaces in the DUT in order. For example, the first antenna is assigned to output data streaming interface 0, and the Nth antenna is assigned to output data streaming interface N-1. The output data streaming interfaces are mapped to the hardware interfaces in the Map Data Streaming Outputs step in the targeting workflow.

Use this table to identify a supported radio antenna port on the radio device and the corresponding string constant that you can specify for this property. The default value depends on the radio.

Radio DeviceSupported Antenna PortString Scalar


RF0 channel: TX/RX port"RF0:TX/RX" (default)
RF1 channel: TX/RX port"RF1:TX/RX"
RF2 channel: TX/RX port"RF2:TX/RX"
RF3 channel: TX/RX port"RF3:TX/RX"


RF0 channel: TX/RX port"RF0:TX/RX" (default)
RF1 channel: TX/RX port"RF1:TX/RX"


RF0 channel: TX/RX port"RF0:TX/RX" (default)
RF1 channel: TX/RX port"RF1:TX/RX"


RFA channel: TX/RX port

"RFA:TX/RX" (default)

RFB channel: TX/RX port



DB0 RF0 channel: TX/RX 0 port

"DB0:RF0:TX/RX0" (default)

DB0 RF1 channel: TX/RX 0 port


DB1 RF0 channel: TX/RX 0 port


DB1 RF1 channel: TX/RX 0 port


Example: DUTOutputAntennas=["RF0:TX/RX","RF1:TX/RX"] specifies two DUT output antennas.

Data Types: string

Radio antennas for capture to the host, specified as one of these options.

  • String scalar — Specify use of single antenna.

  • String array — Specify use of multiple antennas.

Use this table to identify a supported radio antenna port on the radio device and the corresponding string constant that you can specify for this property. The default value depends on the radio.

Radio DeviceSupported Antenna PortString Scalar


RF0 channel: RX2 port"RF0:RX2" (default)
RF1 channel: RX2 port"RF1:RX2"
RF2 channel: RX2 port"RF2:RX2"
RF3 channel: RX2 port"RF3:RX2"


RF0 channel: RX2 port"RF0:RX2" (default)
RF1 channel: RX2 port"RF1:RX2"


RF0 channel: RX2 port"RF0:RX2" (default)
RF1 channel: RX2 port"RF1:RX2"


RFA channel: RX2 port

"RFA:RX2" (default)

RFB channel: RX2 port



DB0 RF0 channel: RX 1 port

"DB0:RF0:RX1" (default)

DB0 RF1 channel: RX 1 port


DB1 RF0 channel: RX 1 port


DB1 RF1 channel: RX 1 port


Example: CaptureAntennas=["RF2:RX2","RF3:RX2"] specifies two capture antennas.

Data Types: string

Radio antennas for transmitting from the host, specified as one of these options.

  • String scalar — Specify use of single antenna.

  • String array — Specify use of multiple antennas.

Use this table to identify a supported radio antenna port on the radio device and the corresponding string constant that you can specify for this property. The default value depends on the radio.

Radio DeviceSupported Antenna PortString Scalar


RF0 channel: TX/RX port"RF0:TX/RX" (default)
RF1 channel: TX/RX port"RF1:TX/RX"
RF2 channel: TX/RX port"RF2:TX/RX"
RF3 channel: TX/RX port"RF3:TX/RX"


RF0 channel: TX/RX port"RF0:TX/RX" (default)
RF1 channel: TX/RX port"RF1:TX/RX"


RF0 channel: TX/RX port"RF0:TX/RX" (default)
RF1 channel: TX/RX port"RF1:TX/RX"


RFA channel: TX/RX port

"RFA:TX/RX" (default)

RFB channel: TX/RX port



DB0 RF0 channel: TX/RX 0 port

"DB0:RF0:TX/RX0" (default)

DB0 RF1 channel: TX/RX 0 port


DB1 RF0 channel: TX/RX 0 port


DB1 RF1 channel: TX/RX 0 port


Example: TransmitAntennas=["RF2:TX/RX","RF3:TX/RX"] specifies two transmit antennas.

Data Types: string

Allocated PL DDR Buffer memory in samples for capture antennas, specified as a positive numeric scalar. This is the largest number of IQ samples you can request with the capture function. This is the memory allocated to each specified capture antenna specified in CaptureAntennas.

The total memory allocation must not exceed the memory buffer size on the radio. There are several streaming connections through the PL DDR buffer that contribute to the total memory allocation.

  • Each antenna specified in CaptureAntennas is allocated CaptureDDRAllocation samples.

  • Each antenna specified in TransmitAntennas is allocated TransmitDDRAllocation samples.

  • Each data streaming connection between the DUT and the PL DDR buffer is allocated space in the memory buffer specified by the DDRAllocation when you add streaming interfaces to your DUT with addRFNoCStreamInterface.

The memory buffer size on each supported radio is detailed in the table.

Radio DeviceMemory Buffer SizeMaximum Data Samples


2 GB229


2 GB229


2 GB229


1 GB228


4 GB230

Data Types: double

Allocated PL DDR Buffer memory in samples for transmit antennas, specified as a positive numeric scalar. This is the largest number of IQ samples you can request with the transmit function. This is the memory allocated to all specified TransmitAntennas.

The total memory allocation must not exceed the memory buffer size on the radio. There are several streaming connections through the PL DDR buffer that contribute to the total memory allocation.

  • Each antenna specified in CaptureAntennas is allocated CaptureDDRAllocation samples.

  • Each antenna specified in TransmitAntennas is allocated TransmitDDRAllocation samples.

  • Each data streaming connection between the DUT and the PL DDR buffer is allocated space in the memory buffer specified by the DDRAllocation when you add streaming interfaces to your DUT with addRFNoCStreamInterface.

The memory buffer size on each supported radio is detailed in the table.

Radio DeviceMemory Buffer SizeMaximum Data Samples


2 GB229


2 GB229


2 GB229


1 GB228


4 GB230

Data Types: double

Advanced Properties

Option to enable loop back of IQ samples from transmit to receive antennas, specified as "Disabled" or "FPGA".

Set the LoopbackMode property to "FPGA" to loop back samples from DUTOutputAntennas and TransmitAntennas to DUTInputAntennas and CaptureAntennas. This enables you to test the transmit or receive path of the algorithm on your DUT as if it was connected to an antenna without sending or receiving data over the air. This table details which antennas loop back to each other when this option is specified.

Radio DeviceTransmit AntennaReceive Antenna


"RF2:TX/RX" "RF2:RX2"


















Data Types: string

Flag to remove DUT from signal path, specified as 0(false) or 1(true).

Set this flag to 1(true) to disconnect all DUT streaming interfaces assigned in the Map Target Interfaces step in the targeting workflow.

Data Types: logical

Flag to remove PL DDR Buffer from signal path, specified as 0(false) or 1(true).

Set this flag to 1(true) to disconnect all DUT streaming interfaces source or sink connections set to PL DDR Buffer in the Map Target Interfaces step in the targeting workflow. The source or sink connection is connected directly to the host instead.

Data Types: logical




device(numSamples) streams numSamples samples from the radio front end.


device() streams samples continuously from the radio front end, until the reset function is called.

Input Arguments

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Number of samples, specified as an integer number of samples.

Object Functions

To use an object function, specify the System object as the first input argument. For example, to release system resources of a System object named obj, use this syntax:


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programFPGAProgram the FPGA on an NI USRP radio device with a custom bitstream
describeFPGADescribe the hardware interfaces on the FPGA on an NI USRP radio device
captureRetrieve captured IQ data from an NI USRP radio device
transmitTransmit waveform over the air with an NI USRP radio device
stopTransmissionStop transmission from an NI USRP radio device
setupOne-time set up tasks for System objects
stepRun System object algorithm
resetReset internal states of System object
releaseRelease resources and allow changes to System object property values and input characteristics

Use these functions to connect to, configure and control your NI USRP radio device. The call sequence is shown in the diagram. first create a usrp System object. Use the programFPGA and describeFPGA functions with the bitstream and hand-off information files generated in Step 5. Generate Bitstream and Program FPGA of the targeting workflow. The diagram shows the sequence.

Sequence of MATLAB commands to connect to, configure and control your NI USRP radio device with the System object.

First, create the usrp System object with a radio setup configuration specified by the radio input. Set Properties that you use to configure the radio front end settings in a later step.

Use the programFPGA and describeFPGA functions to program the FPGA on the radio with your custom bitstream and describe the DUT interfaces with the hand-off information file. These files are generated in Step 5. Generate Bitstream and Program FPGA in the targeting workflow.

Call setup to connect to the radio, apply the radio front end Properties, and validate that the block ID in the bitstream file matches the hand-off information file. You now have a live connection to your radio. You can update tunable properties and connect to your DUT using the fpga object. You can read or write registers on the DUT using the readPort and writePort function. This enables you to start streaming samples into your radio with the DUT ports in a known state.

Call the System object as a function or call the step function on the System object to start the radio front end. This will call setup if you did not do this previously, then start requesting streaming samples from the radio front end into the FPGA. Specify the numSamples argument to request a specific number of samples, or stream samples continuously by specifying no input arguments.

Call the reset function to stop the radio front end and restore the radio back to the initialized state, before you called setup. This stops any ongoing transmit or write operation and flushes the receive buffers. Any streaming connections between the DUT and the radio front end may not be flushed.

Call the release function to release the hardware resources. This stops any ongoing transmit or write operation and flushes the receive buffers. Any streaming connections between the DUT and the radio front end may not be flushed.


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Create a usrp System object™, specifying a radio setup configuration previously saved in the Radio Setup wizard.

device = usrp("MyRadio")
device = 
  usrp with properties:

          TransmitRadioGain: 10
    TransmitCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           ReceiveRadioGain: 10
     ReceiveCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           DUTInputAntennas: []
          DUTOutputAntennas: []
                  BypassDUT: 0
          BypassPLDDRBuffer: 0
               LoopbackMode: "Disabled"
                 SampleRate: []
            CaptureAntennas: []
           TransmitAntennas: []
       CaptureDDRAllocation: 10000000
      TransmitDDRAllocation: 10000000

Configure the hardware interfaces.

describeFPGA(device, "ModelName_wthandoffinfo.mat"); 

Connect to the radio and apply radio front end properties.


Create a usrp System object™, specifying a radio setup configuration previously saved in the Radio Setup wizard.

device = usrp("MyRadio")
device = 
  usrp with properties:

          TransmitRadioGain: 10
    TransmitCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           ReceiveRadioGain: 10
     ReceiveCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           DUTInputAntennas: []
          DUTOutputAntennas: []
                  BypassDUT: 0
          BypassPLDDRBuffer: 0
               LoopbackMode: "Disabled"
                 SampleRate: []
            CaptureAntennas: []
           TransmitAntennas: []
       CaptureDDRAllocation: 10000000
      TransmitDDRAllocation: 10000000

Configure your radio with the DUT interfaces with the handoff information file and initialise the sample rate on the radio and any DUT input or output antennas. The model this describes has one data streaming input from the radio to the FPGA, so requires one DUT input antenna.

programFPGA(device, "myBitstream.bit","myDeviceTree.dts"); 
Loading bitstream to FPGA...
Loading bitstream to FPGA is now complete.

Create a usrp System object™, specifying a radio setup configuration previously saved in the Radio Setup wizard.

device = usrp("MyRadio")
device = 
  usrp with properties:

          TransmitRadioGain: 10
    TransmitCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           ReceiveRadioGain: 10
     ReceiveCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           DUTInputAntennas: []
          DUTOutputAntennas: []
                  BypassDUT: 0
          BypassPLDDRBuffer: 0
               LoopbackMode: "Disabled"
                 SampleRate: []
            CaptureAntennas: []
           TransmitAntennas: []
       CaptureDDRAllocation: 10000000
      TransmitDDRAllocation: 10000000

Configure your radio with the DUT interfaces with the handoff information file and initialise the sample rate on the radio and any DUT input or output antennas. The model this describes has one data streaming input from the radio to the FPGA, so requires one DUT input antenna.

describeFPGA(device, "ModelName_wthandoffinfo.mat"); 

Display the initialised radio properties for a DUT.

device = 
  usrp with properties:

          TransmitRadioGain: 10
    TransmitCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           ReceiveRadioGain: 10
     ReceiveCenterFrequency: 2.4000e+09
           DUTInputAntennas: "DB0:RF0:RX1"
          DUTOutputAntennas: []
                  BypassDUT: 0
          BypassPLDDRBuffer: 0
               LoopbackMode: "Disabled"
                 SampleRate: 250000000
            CaptureAntennas: []
           TransmitAntennas: []
       CaptureDDRAllocation: 10000000
      TransmitDDRAllocation: 10000000

Create a usrp System object™, specifying a radio setup configuration previously saved in the Radio Setup wizard.

device = usrp("MyRadio");

Set the baseband sample rate.

device.SampleRate = 250e6;

Program the FPGA with your bitstream and configure the hardware interfaces.

programFPGA(device, "myBitstream.bit", "myDeviceTree.dts");
Loading bitstream to FPGA...
Loading bitstream to FPGA is now complete.
describeFPGA(device, "ModelName_wthandoffinfo.mat"); 

Connect to the radio and apply radio front end properties.


Call the usrp System object™ as a function to start the radio front end. Request a continuous stream of samples by specifying no input arguments.


Release the hardware resources.


Create a usrp System object™, specifying a radio setup configuration previously saved in the Radio Setup wizard.

device = usrp("MyRadio");

Program the FPGA with your bitstream and configure the hardware interfaces.

programFPGA(device, "myBitstream.bit", "myDeviceTree.dts");
Loading bitstream to FPGA...
Loading bitstream to FPGA is now complete.
describeFPGA(device, "ModelName_wthandoffinfo.mat"); 

Specify a capture antenna on the radio and memory allocation in the PL DDR Buffer.

captureLength = 1000;
device.CaptureAntennas = "DB0:RF1:RX1";
device.CaptureDDRAllocation = captureLength;

Connect to the radio and apply radio front end properties.


Call the usrp System object™ as a function to start the radio front end. Request captureLength samples.


Retrieve captureLength samples of captured IQ data from the radio at the default center frequency and baseband sample rate.

[data,dataLength] = capture(device,captureLength);

Confirm that all requested samples were retrieved from the radio.

ans = logical

Create a usrp System object™, specifying a radio setup configuration previously saved in the Radio Setup wizard.

device = usrp("MyRadio");

Program the FPGA with your bitstream and configure the hardware interfaces.

programFPGA(device, "myBitstream.bit", "myDeviceTree.dts");
Loading bitstream to FPGA...
Loading bitstream to FPGA is now complete.
describeFPGA(device, "ModelName_wthandoffinfo.mat"); 

Specify a transmit antenna on the radio and transmitLength samples of memory allocation in the PL DDR Buffer..

transmitLength = 1000;
device.TransmitAntennas = "DB0:RF0:TX/RX0";
device.TransmitDDRAllocation = transmitLength;

Connect to the radio and apply radio front end properties.


Generate a random transmit waveform.

txWaveform = complex(randn(transmitLength,1),randn(transmitLength,1));

Transmit the generated waveform continuously.


Stop the continuous transmission after 5 seconds.


Version History

Introduced in R2024a