returns an object detector trained using the you only look once version 3 (YOLO v3) network
specified by detector
= trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector(trainingData
. The input detector
can be
an untrained or pretrained YOLO v3 object detector. The options
specifies training parameters for the detection network.
You can also use this syntax to fine-tune a pretrained YOLO v3 object detector.
resumes training from the saved detector checkpoint.detector
= trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector(trainingData
You can use this syntax to:
Add more training data and continue training.
Improve training accuracy by increasing the maximum number of iterations.
[___] = trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector(___,
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any combination of
arguments from previous syntaxes. For example, Name=Value
specifies not to track metrics with Experiment Manager.
This functionality requires Deep Learning Toolbox™. To use the pretrained YOLO v3 deep learning networks trained on COCO dataset, you must install the Computer Vision Toolbox™ Model for YOLO v3 Object Detection from Add-On Explorer. For more information about installing add-ons, see Get and Manage Add-Ons.
Train YOLO v3 Network for Vehicle Detection
Train a pretrained YOLO v3 object detector to detect vehicles in an image. The object detector uses a tiny YOLO v3 network, trained on the COCO data set as the base network.
Load a .mat
file containing training data, and extract the training data into the workspace. The training data is a table in which the first column contains the training images and the remaining columns contain the corresponding labeled bounding boxes.
data = load("vehicleTrainingData.mat");
trainingData = data.vehicleTrainingData;
Specify the directory that contains the training samples. Add the full paths to the filenames in the training data.
dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir("vision"),"visiondata"); trainingData.imageFilename = fullfile(dataDir,trainingData.imageFilename);
Create an image datastore using the files from the table.
imds = imageDatastore(trainingData.imageFilename);
Create a box label datastore using the label columns from the table.
blds = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:,2:end));
Combine the image and box label datastores.
ds = combine(imds,blds);
Specify the anchor boxes to use for training the network. You must assign at least one anchor box to each output layer of the network. Because the tiny YOLO v3 network contains two output layers, specify the anchor boxes as a two-element cell array.
anchorBoxes = {[91 115; 82 106; 58 83];[41 58; 24 32;19 23]};
Specify the names of the classes to detect.
classes = {'vehicle'};
Create a pretrained YOLO v3 deep learning network configured to retrain on the new dataset by using the yolov3ObjectDetector
detector = yolov3ObjectDetector("tiny-yolov3-coco",classes,anchorBoxes);
ans = dlnetwork with properties: Layers: [44×1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer] Connections: [45×2 table] Learnables: [48×3 table] State: [22×3 table] InputNames: {'input'} OutputNames: {'convOut1' 'convOut2'} Initialized: 1 View summary with summary.
Specify the training options.
options = trainingOptions("adam", ... InitialLearnRate=0.001, ... MiniBatchSize=8, ... MaxEpochs=30, ... BatchNormalizationStatistics="moving", ... ResetInputNormalization=false, ... VerboseFrequency=30);
Retrain the pretrained YOLO v3 network on the new data set by using the trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector
trainedDetector = trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector(ds,detector,options);
************************************************************************* Training a YOLO v3 Object Detector for the following object classes: * vehicle Epoch Iteration TimeElapsed LearnRate TrainingLoss _____ _________ ___________ _________ ____________ 1 30 00:00:39 0.001 27.477 2 60 00:01:21 0.001 12.281 3 90 00:01:59 0.001 7.3423 4 120 00:02:36 0.001 5.5316 5 150 00:03:13 0.001 4.6442 5 180 00:03:50 0.001 3.532 6 210 00:04:27 0.001 5.46 7 240 00:05:04 0.001 3.7652 8 270 00:05:41 0.001 2.0736 9 300 00:06:18 0.001 2.8613 9 330 00:06:54 0.001 2.1912 10 360 00:07:31 0.001 1.7878 11 390 00:08:08 0.001 1.6713 12 420 00:08:44 0.001 1.0196 13 450 00:09:20 0.001 1.4047 13 480 00:09:57 0.001 1.2047 14 510 00:10:33 0.001 1.0924 15 540 00:11:10 0.001 1.0899 16 570 00:11:47 0.001 0.80751 17 600 00:12:23 0.001 0.77776 18 630 00:12:59 0.001 0.92279 18 660 00:13:36 0.001 0.6374 19 690 00:14:12 0.001 0.64517 20 720 00:14:49 0.001 0.52645 21 750 00:15:26 0.001 0.61458 22 780 00:16:03 0.001 0.65221 22 810 00:16:39 0.001 0.69775 23 840 00:17:16 0.001 0.51352 24 870 00:17:52 0.001 0.82176 25 900 00:18:29 0.001 0.86924 26 930 00:19:05 0.001 0.887 26 960 00:19:42 0.001 0.57564 27 990 00:20:18 0.001 0.40471 28 1020 00:20:55 0.001 0.37672 29 1050 00:21:31 0.001 0.28895 30 1080 00:22:07 0.001 0.54886 30 1110 00:22:44 0.001 0.4914 ************************************************************************* Detector training complete. *************************************************************************
Read a test image. Use the trained YOLO v3 object detector to detect vehicles and display the detection results.
I = imread('highway.png');
[bboxes, scores, labels] = detect(trainedDetector,I,Threshold=0.05);
results = table(bboxes,labels,scores)
results=2×3 table
bboxes labels scores
________________________ _______ _______
131 73 107 83 vehicle 0.15463
93 84 44 73 vehicle 0.12592
detectedImg = insertObjectAnnotation(I,"Rectangle",bboxes,labels,LineWidth=3,AnnotationColor="cyan"); figure imshow(detectedImg)
Fine-Tune YOLO v3 Network for Multiclass Object Detection
Perform transfer learning to fine-tune a pretrained YOLO v3 object detector by freezing its backbone. The detector has been trained for detecting stop signs and the front views and rear views of cars in an image. The detector uses a DarkNet-53 network, trained on the COCO data set, as the base network.
Load a .mat
file containing training data, and extract the training data into the workspace. The training data is a table in which the first column contains the training images and the remaining columns contain the corresponding labeled bounding boxes.
data = load("stopSignsAndCars.mat");
trainingData = data.stopSignsAndCars;
Specify the directory that contains the training samples. Add the full paths to the filenames in the training data.
dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir("vision"),"visiondata"); trainingData.imageFilename = fullfile(dataDir,trainingData.imageFilename);
Create an image datastore using the files from the table.
imds = imageDatastore(trainingData.imageFilename);
Create a box label datastore using the label columns from the table.
blds = boxLabelDatastore(trainingData(:,2:end));
Combine the image and box label datastores.
ds = combine(imds,blds);
Specify the input size to use for resizing the training images. You must also resize the bounding boxes based on the specified input size.
inputSize = [224 224 3];
Resize and rescale the training images and bounding boxes by using the preprocessData
helper function. Convert the preprocessed data to a datastore
object by using the transform
trainingDataForEstimation = transform(ds,@(data)preprocessData(data,inputSize));
Specify the anchor boxes to use for training the network. You must assign at least one anchor box to each output layer of the network. Because the darknet53-coco
YOLO v3 network contains three output layers, specify the anchor boxes as a three-element cell array.
numAnchors = 9; [anchors,meanIoU] = estimateAnchorBoxes(trainingDataForEstimation,numAnchors);
Use larger anchor boxes at lower scale and smaller anchor boxes at higher scale output layers. To do so, sort anchors
by area, in descending order, and assign the first three to the first output layer, the next three to the second output layer, and the last three to the third output layer of the network.
area = anchors(:,1).*anchors(:,2);
[~,idx] = sort(area,"descend");
anchors = anchors(idx,:);
anchorBoxes = {anchors(1:3,:); anchors(4:6,:); anchors(7:9,:)};
Specify the names of the classes to detect.
classes = {'stopSign','carRear','carFront'};
Create a pretrained YOLO v3 deep learning network configured to retrain on the new dataset by using the yolov3ObjectDetector
detector = yolov3ObjectDetector("darknet53-coco",classes,anchorBoxes,InputSize=inputSize);
ans = dlnetwork with properties: Layers: [247×1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer] Connections: [273×2 table] Learnables: [294×3 table] State: [144×3 table] InputNames: {'input'} OutputNames: {'convOut1' 'convOut2' 'convOut3'} Initialized: 1 View summary with summary.
Specify the training options.
options = trainingOptions("sgdm", ... InitialLearnRate=0.0001, ... MiniBatchSize=4, ... MaxEpochs=30, ... BatchNormalizationStatistics="moving", ... ResetInputNormalization=false, ... VerboseFrequency=30);
Retrain the pretrained YOLO v3 network on the new data set by using the trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector
function. To freeze the backbone of the pretrained YOLO v3 network during training, specify the FreezeSubNetwork
name-value argument to "backbone"
. The weights of the frozen backbone layers do not change during training, which increases training speed and reduces GPU memory consumption.
trainedDetector = trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector(ds,detector,options,FreezeSubNetwork="backbone");
************************************************************************* Training a YOLO v3 Object Detector for the following object classes: * stopSign * carRear * carFront Epoch Iteration TimeElapsed LearnRate TrainingLoss _____ _________ ___________ _________ ____________ 3 30 00:00:30 0.0001 35.9 6 60 00:00:58 0.0001 4.8118 9 90 00:01:26 0.0001 2.5195 11 120 00:01:54 0.0001 2.5046 14 150 00:02:22 0.0001 2.4547 17 180 00:02:50 0.0001 2.8295 20 210 00:03:19 0.0001 4.031 22 240 00:03:47 0.0001 0.76425 25 270 00:04:16 0.0001 0.86645 28 300 00:04:44 0.0001 1.7476 30 330 00:05:13 0.0001 0.7068 ************************************************************************* Detector training complete. *************************************************************************
Read a test image. Use the fine-tuned YOLO v3 object detector to detect the stop signs and the front views and rear views of cars, and display the detection results.
I = imread("Test_Image.jpg"); [bboxes,scores,labels] = detect(trainedDetector,I,Threshold=0.2); detectedImg = insertObjectAnnotation(I,"Rectangle",bboxes,labels,LineWidth=3,AnnotationColor="cyan"); results = table(bboxes,labels,scores)
results=3×3 table
bboxes labels scores
________________________ ________ _______
88 388 124 65 carFront 0.39835
430 366 102 87 carRear 0.72145
795 293 65 58 stopSign 0.97976
figure imshow(detectedImg)
Supporting Function
function data = preprocessData(data,targetSize) for num = 1:size(data,1) I = data{num,1}; imgSize = size(I); bboxes = data{num,2}; I = im2single(imresize(I,targetSize(1:2))); scale = targetSize(1:2)./imgSize(1:2); bboxes = bboxresize(bboxes,scale); data(num,1:2) = {I bboxes}; end end
Input Arguments
— Labeled ground truth images
Labeled ground truth images, specified as a datastore. Data must be set up so that
calling the datastore with the read
and readall
functions returns a cell array or
table with three columns in the format {data
The first column, data, must contain the image data, stored as a cell array. The second column, boxes, must contain the bounding boxes, stored as a matrix with dimensions determined by the type of bounding box. The third column, labels, must be a cell array in which each cell contains an M-by-1 categorical vector of object class names, where M is the number of bounding boxes. All the categorical data returned by the datastore must use the same categories.
This table describes the format of each element of the bounding boxes column.
Bounding Box | Description |
Axis-aligned rectangle |
Defined in spatial coordinates as an M-by-4 numeric matrix with rows of the form [x y w h], where:
Rotated rectangle |
Defined in spatial coordinates as an M-by-5 numeric matrix with rows of the form [xctr yctr w h yaw], where:
For more information, see Datastores for Deep Learning (Deep Learning Toolbox).
You can convert a pretrained, axis-aligned network to a rotated rectangle
network by providing rotated rectangle training data. When you provide the rotated
rectangle training data, the trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector
fine-tunes the network, enabling the rotated rectangle detections.
— Pretrained or untrained YOLO v3 object detector
Pretrained or untrained YOLO v3 object detector, specified as a yolov3ObjectDetector
— Training options
object | TrainingOptionsRMSProp
object | TrainingOptionsADAM
Training options, specified as a TrainingOptionsSGDM
, or TrainingOptionsADAM
object returned by the trainingOptions
(Deep Learning Toolbox) function. To specify the
solver name and other options for network training, use the
function. You must set the
property of the object to
— Saved detector checkpoint
Saved detector checkpoint, specified as a yolov3ObjectDetector
object. To periodically save a detector checkpoint
during training as a MAT file, specify a location for the file using the
property of the training options object
. To control how frequently the detector saves
checkpoints, use the CheckPointFrequency
properties of the training options
To load a checkpoint for a previously trained detector, load the MAT file from the
checkpoint path. For example, this code loads the checkpoint MAT file of a detector from
the "checkpath"
folder in the current working directory to which the
detector saves checkpoints during training.
data = load("checkpath/net_checkpoint__6__2023_11_17__16_03_08.mat");
checkpoint =;
The name of each MAT file includes the iteration number and timestamp at which the
detector saves the checkpoint. The file stores the detector in the
variable. To continue training the network, specify the
detector extracted from the file to the trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector
yoloDetector = trainYOLOv3ObjectDetector(trainingData,checkpoint,options);
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: ExperimentMonitor=[]
specifies not to track metrics with
Experiment Manager.
— Subnetworks to freeze
(default) | "backbone"
| "backboneAndNeck"
Subnetworks to freeze during training, specified as one of these values:
— Do not freeze subnetworks."backbone"
— Freeze the feature extraction subnetwork."backboneAndNeck"
— Freeze both the feature extraction and the path aggregation subnetworks.
The weight of layers in frozen subnetworks does not change during training.
You cannot use the FreezeSubNetwork
argument values
and "backboneAndNeck"
with a
custom YOLO v3 object detector created using the syntax
— Detector training experiment monitoring
(default) | experiments.Monitor
Detector training experiment monitoring, specified as an experiments.Monitor
(Deep Learning Toolbox) object for
use with the Experiment
Manager (Deep Learning Toolbox) app. You can use this object to track the progress of training, update
information fields in the training results table, record values of the metrics used by
the training, and to produce training plots. For an example using this app, see Train Object Detectors in Experiment Manager.
The app monitors this Information during training:
Training loss at each iteration
Learning rate at each iteration
Validation loss at each iteration, if the
input contains validation data
Output Arguments
— Trained YOLO v3 object detector
Trained YOLO v3 object detector, returned as a yolov3ObjectDetector
object. You can train a YOLO v3 object detector to
detect multiple object classes.
— Training progress information
structure array
Training progress information, returned as a structure array with these fields. Each field corresponds to a stage of training.
— Training loss at each iteration. ThetrainYOLOv3ObjectDetector
function uses mean square error for computing bounding box regression loss and cross-entropy for computing classification loss.BaseLearnRate
— Learning rate at each iteration.OutputNetworkIteration
— Iteration number of the returned network.ValidationLoss
— Validation loss at each iteration.FinalValidationLoss
— Final validation loss at the end of the training.
Each field is a numeric vector with one element per training iteration. If the
function does not calculate a metric at a specific iteration, the corresponding element
of that vector has a value of NaN
. The structure contains the
and FinalValidationLoss
only when options
specifies validation data.
To generate the ground truth, use the Image Labeler or Video Labeler app. To create a table of training data from the generated ground truth, use the
function.Use these processes to improve prediction accuracy:
Increase the number of images you use to train the network. You can expand the training data set through data augmentation. For information on how to apply data augmentation for preprocessing, see Preprocess Images for Deep Learning (Deep Learning Toolbox).
Choose anchor boxes appropriate to the training dataset. You can use the
function to compute anchor boxes directly from the training data.
When you train a rotated rectangle bounding box detector, use a learning rate approximately one order of magnitude below that of its axis-aligned counterpart.
When you perform transfer learning using a YOLO v3 object detector, consider freezing the subnetworks using the
name-value argument to increase training speed and reduce GPU memory consumption.
Version History
Introduced in R2024aR2024b: Monitor mean average precision metric during training
Starting in R2024b, you can use an mAPObjectDetectionMetric
object to track the mean average precision (mAP) metric
while training the YOLO v3 object detector. To use the metric, specify it to the Metrics
(Deep Learning Toolbox) name-value argument of the trainingOptions
(Deep Learning Toolbox) function.
See Also
(Deep Learning Toolbox) |objectDetectorTrainingData
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