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Read UAV motion vector

Since R2020b


[motion,LLA] = read(platform) reads the latest motion of the UAV platform in the scenario.

Input Arguments

collapse all

UAV platform in a scenario, specified as a uavPlatform object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

UAV platform motion at the current instance in a UAV scenario, returned as a 16-element vector with these elements in order:

  • [x y z] — Positions in xyz-axes in meters

  • [vx vy vz] — Velocities in xyz-directions in meters per second

  • [ax ay az] — Accelerations in xyz-directions in meters per second

  • [qw qx qy qz] — Quaternion vector for orientation

  • [wx wy wz] — Angular velocities in radians per second

Data Types: double

Latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates of the UAV platform at the current instance in a UAV scenario, returned as a three-element vector of the form [lat long alt].

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2020b