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Power (dq0, Instantaneous)

Compute three-phase instantaneous active and reactive powers

  • Power (dq0, Instantaneous) block

Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Sensors and Measurements


The Power (dq0, Instantaneous) block computes the three-phase instantaneous active and reactive powers from a periodic set of three-phase voltages and currents expressed in the dq0 reference frame. These formulas perform the calculations:


The inputs Vdq0 and Idq0 (direct axis, quadrature axis, and zero-sequence components) of the three-phase voltage and current are normally connected to the outputs of the abc-to-dq0 Transformation block.

With these formulas, a current flowing into an RL circuit produces a positive P and a positive Q.

The computed instantaneous reactive power is accurate only for balanced and harmonic-free three-phase voltages and currents.


The power_ThreePhasePower model compares the outputs of the block with the Power (Positive-Sequence) block and the Power (3ph, Instantaneous) block. It shows that the Power (dq0, Instantaneous) block gives accurate results when the voltages and currents are balanced and harmonic free. When the voltage supply becomes unbalanced, the P output exhibits a ripple, and an error appears on the Q output.

The model sample time is parameterized by the Ts variable set to a default value of 50e-6 s. Set Ts to 0 in the command window and change the Simulation type parameter of the Powergui block to Continuous to simulate the model in continuous mode.



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Voltage signal expressed in the dq0 reference frame.

Current signal expressed in the dq0 reference frame.


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Three-phase instantaneous active power P, in watts.

Three-phase instantaneous reactive power Q, in vars.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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