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Multiband Power System Stabilizer

Implement multiband power system stabilizer

  • Multiband Power System Stabilizer block

Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Electrical Machines / Synchronous Machine Control



This block requires that you have a Control System Toolbox™ license. Otherwise, trying to simulate a model containing this block produces an error.

The disturbances occurring in a power system induce electromechanical oscillations of the electrical generators. These oscillations, also called power swings, must be effectively damped to maintain the system's stability. Electromechanical oscillations can be classified in four main categories:

  • Local oscillations: between a unit and the rest of the generating station and between the latter and the rest of the power system. Their frequencies typically range from 0.8 Hz to 4.0 Hz.

  • Interplant oscillations: between two electrically close generation plants. Frequencies can vary from 1 Hz to 2 Hz.

  • Interarea oscillations: between two major groups of generation plants. Frequencies are typically in a range of 0.2 Hz to 0.8 Hz.

  • Global oscillation: characterized by a common in-phase oscillation of all generators as found on an isolated system. The frequency of such a global mode is typically under 0.2 Hz.

The need for effective damping of such a wide range, almost two decades, of electromechanical oscillations motivated the concept of the multiband power system stabilizer (MB-PSS).

As its name reveals, the MB-PSS structure is based on multiple working bands. Three separate bands are used, respectively dedicated to the low-, intermediate-, and high-frequency modes of oscillations: the low band is typically associated with the power system global mode, the intermediate with the interarea modes, and the high with the local modes.

Each of the three bands is made of a differential bandpass filter, a gain, and a limiter (see the figure called Conceptual Representation). The outputs of the three bands are summed and passed through a final limiter producing the stabilizer output Vstab. This signal then modulates the set point of the generator voltage regulator so as to improve the damping of the electromechanical oscillations.

To ensure robust damping, the MB-PSS should include a moderate phase advance at all frequencies of interest to compensate for the inherent lag between the field excitation and the electrical torque induced by the MB-PSS action.

Conceptual Representation

Internal Specifications

The MB-PSS is represented by the IEEE® St. 421.5 PSS 4B type model [2], illustrated in the figure called Internal Specifications, with built-in speed transducers whose parameters are fixed according to manufacturer's specifications.

Generally, only a few of the lead-lag blocks in this figure should be used in a given PSS application. Two different approaches are available to configure the settings in order to facilitate the tuning process:

  1. Simplified settings:

    Only the first lead-lag block of each frequency band is used to tune the Multiband Power System Stabilizer block. The differential filters are assumed to be symmetrical bandpass filters respectively tuned at the center frequency FL, FI, and FH. The peak magnitude of the frequency responses (see the figure called Conceptual Representation) can be adjusted independently through the three gains KL, KI, and KH. Only six parameters are therefore required for a simplified tuning of the MB-PSS.

  2. Detailed settings:

    The designer is free to use all the flexibility built into the MB-PSS structure to achieve nontrivial controller schemes and to tackle even the most constrained problem (for example, multi-unit plant including an intermachine mode, in addition to a local mode and multiple interarea modes). In this case, all the time constants and gains appearing in the figure called Internal Specifications have to be specified in the dialog box.




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Synchronous machine speed deviation dw signal (in pu).


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Stabilization voltage, in per unit. Connect this output port to the Vstab input port of the Excitation System block that you use to control the terminal voltage of the synchronous machine.


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Specify the mode of operation of the stabilizer.

Overall gain K of the multiband power system stabilizer.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Simplified settings.

Center frequency, in hertz, and peak gain of the low-frequency bandpass filter.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Simplified settings.

Center frequency, in hertz, and peak gain of the intermediate- frequency bandpass filter.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Simplified settings.

Center frequency, in hertz, and peak gain of the high-frequency bandpass filter.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Simplified settings.

Gains of the positive and negative branches of the differential filter in the low-frequency band and the overall gain KL of the low-frequency band, in pu.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Detailed settings.

Time constants, in seconds, of the lead-lag blocks in the positive and negative branches of the low-frequency filter. You must specify these twelve time constants and two gains:

[TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 TB6 TB7 TB8 TB9 TB10 TB11 TB12 KB11 KB17]

Set KB11 to 0 in order to make the first block of the positive filter branch a washout block. Set KB11 to 1 in order to make the block a lead-lag block.

Set KB17 to 0 in order to make the first block of the negative filter branch a washout block. Set KB17 to 1 in order to make the block a lead-lag block.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Detailed settings.

Gains of the positive and negative branches of the differential filter in the intermediate-frequency band and the overall gain KI of the intermediate-frequency band, in pu.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Detailed settings.

Time constants, in seconds, of the lead-lag blocks in the positive and negative branches of the intermediate-frequency filter. You must specify these twelve time constants and two gains:

[TI1 TI2 TI3 TI4 TI5 TI6 TI7 TI8 TI9 TI10 TI11 TI12 KI11 KI17]

Set KI11 to 0 in order to make the first block of the positive filter branch a washout block. Set KI11 to 1 in order to make the block a lead-lag block.

Set KI17 to 0 in order to make the first block of the negative filter branch a washout block. Set KI17 to 1 in order to make the block a lead-lag block.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Detailed settings.

Gains of the positive and negative branches of the differential filter in the high-frequency band and the overall gain KI of the high-frequency band, in pu.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Detailed settings.

Time constants, in seconds, of the lead-lag blocks in the positive and negative branches of the high-frequency filter. You must specify these twelve time constants and two gains:

[TH1 TH2 TH3 TH4 TH5 TH6 TH7 TH8 TH9 TH10 TH11 TH12 KH11 KH17]

Set KH11 to 0 in order to make the first block of the positive filter branch a washout block. Set KH11 to 1 in order to make the block a lead-lag block.

Set KH17 to 0 in order to make the first block of the negative filter branch a washout block. Set KH17 to 1 in order to make the block a lead-lag block.


To enable this parameter, set Mode of operation to Detailed settings.

Limits imposed on the output of the low-, intermediate-, and high-frequency bands and the limit VSmax imposed on the output of the stabilizer, all in pu.

Select this option to display a plot of the frequency response of the stabilizer when you click the Apply button.

Select this option to plot the magnitude of the frequency response to plot, in dB.


To enable this parameter, select the Plot frequency response parameter.

Frequency range used to plot the frequency response of the stabilizer.


To enable this parameter, select the Plot frequency response parameter.


[1] Grondin, R., I. Kamwa, L. Soulieres, J. Potvin, and R. Champagne, “An approach to PSS design for transient stability improvement through supplementary damping of the common low frequency,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 8(3), August 1993, pp. 954-963.

[2] IEEE recommended practice for excitation system models for power system stability studies: IEEE St. 421.5-2002(Section 9).

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a