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Add description of subcheck to result


setInformation(ft_obj, text)


setInformation(ft_obj, text) is an optional method that adds text as the first item after the subcheck title. Use this method to add information describing the subcheck.

Input Arguments


A handle to a template object.


A character vector or a handle to a formatting object, that describes the subcheck.

Valid formatting objects are: ModelAdvisor.Image, ModelAdvisor.LineBreak, ModelAdvisor.List, ModelAdvisor.Paragraph, ModelAdvisor.Table, and ModelAdvisor.Text.

The Model Advisor displays text after the title of the subcheck.


Create a list object, ft, and specify a subcheck title and description:

ft = ModelAdvisor.FormatTemplate('ListTemplate');
setSubTitle(ft, ['Check for constructs in the model '...
    'that are not supported when generating code']);
setInformation(ft, ['Identify blocks that should not '...
    'be used for code generation.']);

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