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Detect Dead Logic

Check ID: mathworks.sldv.deadlogic

Identify logic that stays inactive during simulation.


This check identifies portions of your model that stay inactive during simulation.

You can run a more detailed analysis that identifies both dead logic and active logic using Simulink® Design Verifier™ design error detection. For more information, see Detect Dead Logic Caused by an Incorrect Value (Simulink Design Verifier).

Following the recommendations of this check increases the likelihood of generating MISRA C:2012 compliant code for embedded applications, as well as code that complies with the CERT C and CWE standards

Results and Recommended Actions

ResultRecommended Action
Failed, model incompatible

Resolve the model incompatibility. See:

Also see Handle Incompatibilities with Automatic Stubbing (Simulink Design Verifier).

Dead logic found in modelSimulink Design Verifier proved that these decision and condition outcomes cannot occur and are dead logic in the model. Dead logic can also be a side effect of specified constraints on parameters or specified minimum and maximum constraints on input ports. In rare cases, dead logic can result from approximations performed by Simulink Design Verifier. It is possible that there are objectives that this analysis did not decide. To extend the results of this analysis, use Simulink Design Verifier design error detection to also identify active logic. From the Simulink Editor, select Apps > Design Verifier > Settings. In the Configuration Parameters window, from Design Verifier > Design Error Detection pane, select Dead logic (partial) or set DVDetectDeadLogic and DVDetectActiveLogic to on.
Dead logic not found in modelSimulink Design Verifier did not find dead logic in the model. It is possible that there are objectives that this analysis did not decide. To extend the results of this analysis, use Simulink Design Verifier design error detection to also identify active logic. From the Simulink Editor, select Apps > Design Verifier > Settings. In the Configuration Parameters window, from Design Verifier > Design Error Detection pane, select Dead logic (partial) or set DVDetectDeadLogic and DVDetectActiveLogic to on.

Capabilities and Limitations

  • Does not run on library models.

  • Analyzes content in masked subsystems. By default, the input parameter Look under masks is set to all.

  • Analyzes content of library-linked blocks. By default, the input parameter Follow links is set to on.

  • Does not support exclusions.

See Also

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