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Migration Considerations

To take advantage of SimEvents® features, migrate legacy SimEvents models (pre-R2016a). Benefits include:

Event actions

Event actions tab highlighted for an Entity Queue block.

MATLAB Discrete-Event System block

MATLAB Discrete-Event System block with graphical snippet of contained code.

Discrete-Event Chart block

Discrete-Event Chart block.

Entity multicast

Entity Multicast block receiving input from an Entity Replicator block.

Domain transitions

Entity Server block connected to Discrete-Time Integrator block.

Simulink integration

UI Knob application determines arrival rate used by a model with SimEvents blocks.

Unified entity type

Block parameter dialog box of Entity Generator block with Entity type tab highlighted. The Entity type is set to Bus object.

Entity Batch Creator and Splitter blocks

Entity Batch Creator block.

Sequence Viewer

Message Viewer for a Simulink model.

Use SimEvents software to:

  • Modify entity attributes, service, and routes on events such as entity generation, entry, and exit.

  • Create custom SimEvents blocks using MATLAB.

  • Create Stateflow state transition diagrams that process entities, react to entity events, and follow precise timing for temporal operations.

  • Wirelessly broadcast copies of entities to multiple receive queues.

  • Automatically switch between time-based and event-based signals.

  • Use Simulink features, such as Fast Restart to speed up simulation runs and Simulation Stepper to debug.

  • Define entity types that are consistent across Simulink, Stateflow, and SimEvents products.

  • Create and split batch of entities.

  • Display interchange of messages and entities.

When You Should Not Migrate

If your legacy model contains timeout blocks, do not migrate the model. You can still access legacy blocks to continue developing older models by using the blocks in the Legacy Block Library.

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