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Extract time-domain, frequency-domain, or time-frequency-domain features

Since R2021b


    features = extract(sFE,x) returns a matrix or a table containing features extracted from input x. The output depends on the settings of the feature extractor object sFE.


    [features,info] = extract(sFE,x) returns a structure info that maps a specific feature to its column location in the output feature matrix features. This syntax is valid only when you set the FeatureFormat property of the feature extractor object to "matrix".


    [features,info,framelimits] = extract(sFE,x) returns a matrix framelimits whose i-th row contains the beginning and end limits of the i-th frame. This syntax is valid only when you set the FeatureFormat property of the feature extractor object to "matrix".

    [___] = extract(sFE,sds) returns a cell array of matrices or a tables containing features extracted from the datastore object sds. The output depends on the settings of the feature extractor object sFE. (since R2024b)

    [___] = extract(sFE,sds,UseParallel=tf) enables you to accelerate code by automatically running computations in parallel. You must have a Parallel Computing Toolbox™ license and specify UseParallel=true in the syntax to use this functionality. (since R2024b)


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    Load a set of temperature readings in degrees Celsius taken every hour at Logan Airport in Boston for 31 days. Plot the data.

    load bostemp
    days = (1:31*24)/24;
    plot(days, tempC)
    axis tight
    ylabel("Temperature (\circC)")
    xlabel("Time elapsed from Jan 1, 2011 (days)")
    title("Logan Airport Dry Bulb Temperature (source: NOAA)")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Logan Airport Dry Bulb Temperature (source: NOAA), xlabel Time elapsed from Jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel Temperature ( degree C) contains an object of type line.

    Create a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object and enable the PeakValue feature. To obtain the maximum absolute temperature reading per day, set the frame size to 24 samples and the frame overlap to 0 samples.

    fl = 24;
    sFE = signalTimeFeatureExtractor(FrameSize=fl, ...

    Call the extract function on the object to extract the daily absolute maximum temperatures in the data set.

    peaktemps = extract(sFE,tempC)
    peaktemps = 31×1

    Confirm the extracted peak values. Divide the signal into 24-sample segments representing temperature readings per day and compute the maximum absolute value of each segment. Compare the resulting vector to peaktemps.

    y = framesig(tempC,fl);
    [mx,idx] = max(abs(y));
    tf = isequal(peaktemps,mx')
    tf = logical

    Load a set of temperature readings in degrees Celsius taken every hour at Logan Airport in Boston for 31 days. Plot the data.

    load bostemp
    days = (1:31*24)/24;
    axis tight
    ylabel("Temperature (\circC)")
    xlabel("Time elapsed from Jan 1, 2011 (days)")
    title("Logan Airport Dry Bulb Temperature (source: NOAA)")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Logan Airport Dry Bulb Temperature (source: NOAA), xlabel Time elapsed from Jan 1, 2011 (days), ylabel Temperature ( degree C) contains an object of type line.

    Convert the array of temperature readings to a timetable. The first temperature reading was taken on January 1, 2011.

    tt = array2timetable(tempC, ...

    Create a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object and enable the Mean feature to obtain the weekly average temperatures. Specify the sample rate and frame size (1 week = 168 hours) of the extractor. Set the output format of the extracted values to a table.

    fs = 1/3600;
    sFE = signalTimeFeatureExtractor(SampleRate=fs, ...

    Call the extract function to extract the weekly average temperatures from the data set. The function does not include the readings taken in the last three days (72 hours) since they do not span a full week.

    meantemps = extract(sFE,tt)
    meantemps=4×3 table
        FrameStartTime    FrameEndTime     Mean  
        ______________    ____________    _______
               1              168         -1.8357
             169              336         -4.3095
             337              504          1.7976
             505              672          2.0911

    Consider a quadratic chirp sampled at 1 kHz for 2 seconds. The chirp has an initial frequency of 100 Hz that increases to 200 Hz at t = 1 second. Compute and display the spectrogram.

    fs = 1e3;
    t = 0:1/fs:2;
    y = chirp(t,100,1,200,"quadratic");

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Fres = 10.2261 Hz, Tres = 251 ms, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Frequency (Hz) contains an object of type image.

    Create a signalFrequencyFeatureExtractor object to obtain the mean and median frequencies from the signal. Specify the sample rate.

    sFE = signalFrequencyFeatureExtractor(SampleRate=fs, ...

    Extract the features. info returns the column index in features of each extracted feature.

    [features,info] = extract(sFE,y)
    features = 1×2
      226.0160  199.7034
    info = struct with fields:
          MeanFrequency: 1
        MedianFrequency: 2

    Set the FrameSize and FrameRate properties of the feature extractor object to divide the signal into two frames. The first frame represents the chirp oscillating at the initial frequency of 100 Hz and the second frame represents the chirp oscillating at 200 Hz. Extract the mean and median frequencies for each frame and include the frame limits in the output.

    sFE.FrameSize = round(length(y)/2);
    sFE.FrameRate = 1000;
    [features2,info2,frameLimits] = extract(sFE,y)
    features2 = 2×2
      131.4921  124.9820
      331.2664  324.6992
    info2 = struct with fields:
          MeanFrequency: 1
        MedianFrequency: 2
    frameLimits = 2×2
               1        1001
            1001        2001

    Input Arguments

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    Feature extractor object, specified as a signalFrequencyFeatureExtractor object, a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object, or a signalTimeFrequencyFeatureExtractor object.

    Input signal, specified as a vector, matrix, or timetable.

    If x is a timetable, you must specify the SampleRate property of the feature extractor object sFE. The sample rate in timetable x must equal the sample rate specified in sFE.

    Data Types: single | double

    Since R2024b

    Datastore of input signals, specified as a signalDatastore object or an audioDatastore (Audio Toolbox) object. The extract function computes the features for each member of sds.

    Initially, extract verifies that the data resulting from the first read operation of sds is a matrix, a timetable, a cell array containing a matrix, or a cell array containing a timetable. Every subsequent member of sds is assumed to have the same data format as the first.


    If sds contains members in nonhomogeneous data formats, you can get unexpected results or errors when using extract. A best practice is to ensure that the datastore object sds points to data of the same format at every read.

    Since R2024b

    Option to perform feature extraction in parallel, specified as either false or true.

    By default, extract performs feature extraction in serial. If you set tf to true, then extract performs the feature extraction process using a parallel pool of workers if:

    • Parallel Computing Toolbox is installed.

    • An open parallel pool exists or automatic pool creation is enabled in the Parallel Preferences.

    Otherwise, extract does not perform feature extraction and errors out.

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

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    Extracted features, returned as a 3-D array, table or cell array, depending on the value of the FeatureFormat property in the feature extractor object sFE and on the nature of the input from which to extract features:

    • If you set the FeatureFormat property of the input feature extractor object to "matrix", and you specify an input signal x, then extract returns features as an L-by-M-by-N array:

      • L — Number of frames

      • M — Number of features extracted per frame

      • N — Number of channels

    • If you set the FeatureFormat property of the input feature extractor object to "table", and you specify an input signal x, then extract returns the extracted features in a table with the frame limits listed in the first two table variables.

    • If you specify an input datastore object sds with k members, the function returns a k-by-1 cell array. The kth element of the array contains the features extracted from the kth signal in sds in the specified format FeatureFormat. (since R2024b)

      • If you set FeatureFormat to "matrix", extract returns each element of the cell array as a matrix.

      • If you set FeatureFormat to "table", extract returns each element of the cell array as a table.

    Feature information, returned as a structure. The function maps each feature to its column location in the output matrix features. This argument applies only when you set the FeatureFormat property of the input feature extractor object to "matrix".

    If you specify an input datastore object sds with k members, the function returns a k-by1 cell array where each element is a feature information structure corresponding to a signal from sds. (since R2024b)

    Frame limits, returned as a matrix. The i-th row in framelimits contains the beginning and end limits of the i-th frame. This argument applies only when you set the FeatureFormat property of the input feature extractor object to "matrix".

    If you specify an input datastore object sds with k members, the function returns a k-by1 cell array where each element is a matrix containing the frame limits corresponding to a signal from sds. (since R2024b)

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

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