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Signal Transmission

Waveform generation and low-level physical layer subcomponents

Satellite Communications Toolbox provides functions and examples to create various standards-based waveforms for the design, modeling, and verification of satellite communications and navigation systems. The toolbox offers these standards-based waveforms.

  • Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Telecommand (TC)

  • CCSDS Telemetry (TM)

  • Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2)

  • Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Second Generation extended (DVB-S2X)

  • Global Positioning System (GPS)

Use these functions as golden reference for verification when implementing satellite communication and navigation features. You can modify and customize the toolbox functions and use them as custom reference models in your implementation.


Satellite Waveform GeneratorCreate, impair, visualize, and export satellite communications waveforms (Since R2023b)


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ccsdsTCConfigCCSDS TC configuration parameters (Since R2021a)
ccsdsTCWaveformGenerate CCSDS TC waveform (Since R2021a)
ccsdsTMWaveformGeneratorGenerate CCSDS TM waveform (Since R2021a)
dvbs2WaveformGeneratorGenerate DVB-S2 waveform (Since R2021a)
dvbs2xWaveformGeneratorGenerate DVB-S2X waveform (Since R2021a)
dvbrcs2WaveformGeneratorGenerate DVB-RCS2 waveform (Since R2021b)
ccsdsRSEncodeEncode CCSDS-compliant RS codes (Since R2021a)
ccsdsRSDecodeDecode CCSDS-complaint RS codes (Since R2021a)
dvbrcs2TurboEncodeEncode DVB-RCS2-compliant turbo codes (Since R2021b)
dvbrcs2TurboDecodeDecode DVB-RCS2-compliant turbo codes (Since R2021b)
dvbsapskmodDVB-S2/S2X/SH standard-specific amplitude phase shift keying (APSK) modulation
dvbsapskdemodDVB-S2/S2X/SH standard-specific amplitude phase shift keying (APSK) demodulation
bocmodBinary offset carrier modulation (Since R2022a)
gnssCACodeGenerate C/A-code for GPS, NavIC, and QZSS satellites (Since R2021b)
gpsL1CCodesGenerate ranging and overlay codes for GPS L1C (Since R2024a)
gpsPCodeGenerate P-code for GPS satellites (Since R2021b)
interplexmodInterplex modulation (Since R2024a)
ccsdsHPEWaveformGeneratorGenerate CCSDS optical HPE waveform (Since R2023b)
ccsdsSCPPMEncodeEncode CCSDS-compliant SCPPM codes (Since R2022b)
ccsdsSCPPMDecodeDecode CCSDS-compliant SCPPM codes (Since R2022b)


  • Generate Waveforms

    Generate waveforms for these satellite communication standards — DVB-S2, DVB-S2X, DVB-RCS2, CCSDS HPE TM, CCSDS TM, and CCSDS TC.