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RoadRunner Scene Builder Add-On

Automatically generate 3D road models from HD maps

RoadRunner Scene Builder imports and automatically synthesizes 3D road models from HERE HD Live Map road data, TomTom AVRO files, and RoadRunner HD Map files. You can visualize and edit the road models in RoadRunner, adding trees, streets, road signs, and other elements to create 3D scenes.

RoadRunner Scene Builder is an add-on product that requires an addition to your RoadRunner license. For more details, see RoadRunner Scene Builder.

Example of imported HERE HD Live Map road data and road model


Scene Builder ToolGenerate 3D scenes from HD Map data (Since R2020b)

Protocol Buffer Schema Files

hd_map_header.protoRoadRunner HD Map header message
hd_map.protoRoadRunner HD Map message
hd_lanes.protoLane representation messages for the RoadRunner HD Map
hd_junctions.protoJunction representation for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_lane_markings.protoLane marking representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_barriers.protoBarrier representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_signs.protoSign representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_static_objects.protoStatic object representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_stencil_markings.protoStencil marking representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_curve_markings.protoCurve marking representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_traffic_signals.protoTraffic signal representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
hd_phases.protoSignal phase representation messages for RoadRunner HD Map
common_attributes.protoCommon attributes for RoadRunner HD Map protocol buffer files
geometry.protoScene geometry protobuf schema

MATLAB Objects and Functions

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roadrunnerHDMapCreate RoadRunner HD Map using MATLAB
writeWrite HD Map to binary file using MATLAB
readRead HD Map from binary file using MATLAB
plotPlot RoadRunner HD Map using MATLAB
readCRSRead coordinate reference system (CRS) data from RoadRunner HD map using MATLAB
