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Export RF budget summary to create phased receiver

Since R2024b


    Use the exportReceiver function to export the RF budget summary and create a phased.Receiver (Phased Array System Toolbox) System object™ from the exported data. This function exports the rfbudget summary into a MATLAB® script. To run this script, you require a Phased Array System Toolbox™ license.


    This function cannot export the RF budget summary to create a phased.Receiver System object if one of the elements in the rfbudget object is an rfantenna object.

    exportReceiver(rfobj) exports the rfbudget object summary and creates a phased.Receiver (Phased Array System Toolbox) System object from the exported data.

    exportReceiver(rfobj,Name=Value) specifies additional export properties using name-value arguments. For example, exportReceiver(Model="ampm") exports the RF budget summary with the gain of the received signal is specified in a lookup table. Properties you do not specify retain their default values.

    h1 = exportReceiver(___) returns a function handle.



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    Calculate RF budget for a chain of two elements consists of an amplifier and an IMT mixer.

    a = amplifier(Gain=4);
    imt = mixerIMT(LO=5995e6,IMT=...
        [99 17 13.6 42.9; 40 0 47.7 54.3; 50.4 58.5 61.3 72.2; 75 67.4 75 99]);
    rfb = rfbudget([a imt], 2.1e9,-30,10e6);

    Export the RF budget summary and create a phased.Receiver System object from the exported data. The AM/AM-AM/PM lookup table contains all the necessary information to describe the behavior of the system for various input power levels.

    This function exports the rfbudget summary into a MATLAB script and the script opens automatically in a MATLAB Editor window.

    h = exportReceiver(rfb,Model="ampm");


    Close the script.


    Input Arguments

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    RF budget object, specified as an rfbudget object.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: Model='ampm',AMPMPowerIn=[2 2]

    Model type, specified as cubic or ampm. The function determines the gain of the exported receiver object based on the model type.

    • cubic — The function uses a cubic polynomial model to apply non-linear gain.

    • ampm — The function uses a lookup table defined within the rfbudget object to directly determine the output power and phase shift based on the specified input power

    Example: Model='ampm'

    Input power for the AM/AM-AM/PM lookup table, specified as a real finite vector in dBm. Specify the input power for the AM/AM-AM/PM lookup table when you set Model to ampm.

    Example: AMPMPowerIn=[2 4]

    Output Arguments

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    Function handle, returned as a character vector to the Document window in the editor.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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