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Data Analysis and Feature Extraction for Battery Raw Cycling Data

This example shows the workflow of organizing and analyzing raw data from battery test cyclers. The example, using batteryTestDataParser and batteryTestFeatureExtractor, focuses on extracting critical features from the data to understand Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) behavior and prepare for AI-based health monitoring and management systems.

Battery Cell Data

The measurements from LIBs are collected during cycling tests under fast-charging conditions, using a 48-channel Arbin LBT potentiostat within a temperature-controlled chamber set at 30°C [1]. You can access the detailed description of the dataset here [2]. This example focuses a single cell that is cycled to failure (80% state of health) in order to provide a comprehensive view of its performance over time. The cycling sequence exercises the battery cell with dynamic fast charging and constant 4C discharging. The cell data includes essential measurements and per-cycle summaries:

  • Date Time: Recorded in date-time format, which may be reset during a cycle due to data collection errors.

  • Cycle Index: An integer identifying the cycle number.

  • Step Index: An integer identifying the steps within the fast-charging policy.

  • Current: Measured in amperes (A).

  • Voltage: Measured in volts (V).

  • Temperature: Measured in degrees Celsius (°C).

Load the battery cell data from the MathWorks support files site. To generalize across different battery cyclers, only the essential measurements specified above are utilized.

dataFile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile("predmaint","batteryagingdata/singlecell/v1/");
    Data_Point    Test_Time          DateTime          Step_Time    Step_Index    Cycle_Index    Current    Voltage    Charge_Capacity    Discharge_Capacity    Charge_Energy    Discharge_Energy       dV/dt       Internal_Resistance    Temperature
    __________    _________    ____________________    _________    __________    ___________    _______    _______    _______________    __________________    _____________    ________________    ___________    ___________________    ___________

        1               0      13-May-2017 03:21:40      -1780          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -1.5259e-05         0.022012            30.457   
        2          0.0001      13-May-2017 03:21:40      -1780          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -1.5259e-05         0.022012            30.457   
        3          9.9983      13-May-2017 03:21:50      -1770          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -2.6703e-05         0.022012            30.445   
        4          20.002      13-May-2017 03:22:00      -1760          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -1.5259e-05         0.022012            30.501   
        5          30.001      13-May-2017 03:22:10      -1750          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -8.5831e-06         0.022012            30.501   

To understand the charging and discharging policy, visualize the current and voltage measurements for one cycle of the battery. In each cycle, the battery is fully charged until it reaches 3.6V and fully discharged when it reaches 2V.

cycleData = data(data.Cycle_Index == 1, :);
cycleData.DateTime = seconds(cycleData.DateTime - cycleData.DateTime(1));
yyaxis left;
plot(cycleData.DateTime,cycleData.Current, '-b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
ylabel('Current (A)');
yyaxis right;
plot(cycleData.DateTime,cycleData.Voltage, '-r', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
ylabel('Voltage (V)');
xlabel("Time (s)");
title('Measurements over one cycle');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Measurements over one cycle, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Voltage (V) contains 2 objects of type line.

Data Exploration with batteryTestDataParser: Understand, Evaluate and Prepare the Data

1. Parse and segment data

To identify the cycling phases and modes and based on the measurements, use batteryTestDataParser. This function enables raw data visualization, aids in identifying anomalies, and prepare high-quality data. Properly understanding and preparing the input data ensures its suitability for meaningful feature extraction and in-depth analysis.

Create the parser object bparser to encapsulate the data and specify the properties that correspond to the names of the variables in the data.

bParser = batteryTestDataParser(data);
bParser.CurrentVariable = 'Current';
bParser.VoltageVariable= "Voltage";
bParser.TimeVariable = "DateTime";
bParser.CycleIndexVariable = 'Cycle_Index';
bParser.StepIndexVariable = 'Step_Index';  

Use segmentData to identify the cycling phase and mode that each data point belongs to, and flag invalid data points. If segmentData determines that a data point cannot be definitively assigned to a cycling phase or mode, the function marks the data point as invalid and excludes it from analysis and feature extraction. As a result, segmentData introduces three additional columns to the data in bparser: CyclingModes, CyclingPhases, and IsValid.

segmentedRawDataTable = segmentData(bParser);
    Data_Point    Test_Time          DateTime          Step_Time    Step_Index    Cycle_Index    Current    Voltage    Charge_Capacity    Discharge_Capacity    Charge_Energy    Discharge_Energy       dV/dt       Internal_Resistance    Temperature    CyclingModes    CyclingPhases    IsValid
    __________    _________    ____________________    _________    __________    ___________    _______    _______    _______________    __________________    _____________    ________________    ___________    ___________________    ___________    ____________    _____________    _______

        1               0      13-May-2017 03:21:40      -1780          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -1.5259e-05         0.022012            30.457           Rest            Rest          true  
        2          0.0001      13-May-2017 03:21:40      -1780          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -1.5259e-05         0.022012            30.457           Rest            Rest          true  
        3          9.9983      13-May-2017 03:21:50      -1770          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -2.6703e-05         0.022012            30.445           Rest            Rest          true  
        4          20.002      13-May-2017 03:22:00      -1760          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -1.5259e-05         0.022012            30.501           Rest            Rest          true  
        5          30.001      13-May-2017 03:22:10      -1750          0              0            0       3.3018            0                   0                   0                 0            -8.5831e-06         0.022012            30.501           Rest            Rest          true  

Display the segmented data for chosen cycles, with each cycle divided into several segments. Each segment is associated with a specific cycling mode, denoted by a unique color.

cycleList = unique(segmentedRawDataTable(segmentedRawDataTable.IsValid, :).Cycle_Index);
maxCycle = max(cycleList);
cycleIndex = 1;
hPlotRawMeasurementsWithSegments(segmentedRawDataTable, bParser, cycleIndex)

Figure contains 2 axes objects and another object of type subplottext. Axes object 1 with xlabel Time [s], ylabel Voltage [V] contains 5 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent data, CC, CV, Rest, Undefined. Axes object 2 with xlabel Time [s], ylabel Current [A] contains 5 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent data, CC, CV, Rest, Undefined.

2. Find abnormal data points

During the data collection process, time is expected to be recorded in a non-decreasing sequence with predefined time interval. However, unusually long intervals between data points might occur due to computer auto-restarts [1]. Extended periods between consecutive data points can potentially distort the temporal resolution of the dataset.

Define a long time interval as 3600 seconds. Identify any point-to-point time intervals within one cycle that exceed this duration, as they are considered abnormal.

longInterval = 3600; 
timeDiff = diff(seconds(segmentedRawDataTable.DateTime - segmentedRawDataTable.DateTime(1)));
longIndex = find(timeDiff > longInterval)+1;
fprintf("Data point %s have abnormally long time interval.", strjoin(string(longIndex), ', '))
Data point 848, 919050 have abnormally long time interval.

To understand the underlying reasons for these long time intervals, check raw data points before and after anomalies.

dataPoint = 919050;
segmentedRawDataTable(dataPoint-1:dataPoint+1,["Data_Point", "DateTime", "Step_Index", "Cycle_Index", "IsValid"])
ans=3×5 table
    Data_Point          DateTime          Step_Index    Cycle_Index    IsValid
    __________    ____________________    __________    ___________    _______

    9.1905e+05    13-Jun-2017 08:10:00        11            876         false 
    9.1905e+05    14-Jun-2017 17:19:12        11            876         false 
    9.1905e+05    14-Jun-2017 17:19:12        11            876         false 

To address the long interval, you can either 1) exclude the abnormal cycles/data points from the dataset, or 2) manually adjust the DateTime value. Selecting an approach requires thoroughly reviewing the data, such as visualizing the suspected cycles with segmentation or inspecting the raw data values. For this example, you can exclude entire cycle 0 which contains data point 848, since cycle 0 has different charging and discharging segments. The batteryTestDataParser has already identified data point 919050 as invalid, so it does not require further action.

3. Find abnormal cycles

From the segmented data plot in the previous step, you can observe that each segment corresponds to a specific cycling phase and mode. It is common for certain cycles to lack segments that are present in other cycles, resulting in altered or missing features. A normal cycle is defined as one that follows a pattern observed in more than 90% of the cycles. Cycles deviating from this norm, especially those missing steps that are present in the majority, are classified as abnormal. In the result table, a value of 1 indicates that the specified mode at the step is present in the cycle, while a value of 0 means the cycle lacks this step in the given mode.

The next step is to detect abnormal cycles. In this example, you can focus on the discharging phase as the data has varying charging profiles and a consistent discharging profile. The detection result indicates the cycle 642, 744, and 750 miss step 10 in both CC (constant current) and CV (constant voltage) modes. You can exclude these cycles in the feature extraction.

dischargeData = segmentedRawDataTable(segmentedRawDataTable.IsValid & (segmentedRawDataTable.CyclingPhases == "Discharge") ...
                                      & (segmentedRawDataTable.CyclingModes == "CC" |segmentedRawDataTable.CyclingModes == "CV"), :);
MissingStepTable = hDetectMissingStepCycles(dischargeData,bParser.CycleIndexVariable, bParser.StepIndexVariable, "CyclingModes");
MissingStepTable=3×3 table
    Cycle_Index    step 10 mode CC    step 10 mode CV
    ___________    _______________    _______________

        642               0                  0       
        744               0                  0       
        759               0                  0       

Feature Extraction with batteryTestFeatureExtractor: Provide insights of battery health status

1. Extract features from preprocessed data

After identifying the abnormal data points and cycles, update ExcludedCycles property accordingly.

bParser.ExcludedCycles = [0,642,744,759];

Use batteryTestFeatureExtractor to specify the options in feature extraction. This example focuses on discharging phase and enables incremental capacity (IC) and differential voltage (DV) analysis. Then, use extract to internally calculate differential curves and extract a comprehensive set of features from the segmented data and calculated curves.

extractor = batteryTestFeatureExtractor();
extractor.CyclingPhase = 'Discharge';
extractor.IC = true;
extractor.DV = true;
featureTable = extract(extractor, bParser);
head(featureTable, 5)
    Cycle_Index    Discharge_cumulativeCapacity    Discharge_cumulativeEnergy    Discharge_duration    Discharge_startVoltage    Discharge_Voltage_max    Discharge_Voltage_min    Discharge_Voltage_mean    Discharge_Voltage_std    Discharge_Voltage_skewness    Discharge_Voltage_kurtosis    Discharge_Current_max    Discharge_Current_min    Discharge_Current_mean    Discharge_Current_std    Discharge_Current_skewness    Discharge_Current_kurtosis    Discharge_Step10_IC_peak    Discharge_Step10_IC_peakWidth    Discharge_Step10_IC_peakLocation    Discharge_Step10_IC_peakProminence    Discharge_Step10_IC_peaksArea    Discharge_Step10_IC_peakLeftSlope    Discharge_Step10_IC_peakRightSlope    Discharge_Step10_IC_area    Discharge_Step10_IC_max    Discharge_Step10_IC_min    Discharge_Step10_IC_mean    Discharge_Step10_IC_std    Discharge_Step10_IC_skewness    Discharge_Step10_IC_kurtosis    Discharge_Step10_DV_peak    Discharge_Step10_DV_peakWidth    Discharge_Step10_DV_peakLocation    Discharge_Step10_DV_peakProminence    Discharge_Step10_DV_peaksArea    Discharge_Step10_DV_peakLeftSlope    Discharge_Step10_DV_peakRightSlope    Discharge_Step10_DV_area    Discharge_Step10_DV_max    Discharge_Step10_DV_min    Discharge_Step10_DV_mean    Discharge_Step10_DV_std    Discharge_Step10_DV_skewness    Discharge_Step10_DV_kurtosis    Discharge_Step10_CC_duration    Discharge_Step10_CC_currentMedian    Discharge_Step10_CC_slope    Discharge_Step10_CC_energy    Discharge_Step10_CC_skewness    Discharge_Step10_CC_kurtosis    Discharge_Step10_CC_tInv    Discharge_Step10_CV_duration    Discharge_Step10_CV_voltageMedian    Discharge_Step10_CV_slope    Discharge_Step10_CV_energy    Discharge_Step10_CV_skewness    Discharge_Step10_CV_kurtosis    Discharge_Step10_CCCV_energyRatio    Discharge_Step10_CCCV_energyDifference
    ___________    ____________________________    __________________________    __________________    ______________________    _____________________    _____________________    ______________________    _____________________    __________________________    __________________________    _____________________    _____________________    ______________________    _____________________    __________________________    __________________________    ________________________    _____________________________    ________________________________    __________________________________    _____________________________    _________________________________    __________________________________    ________________________    _______________________    _______________________    ________________________    _______________________    ____________________________    ____________________________    ________________________    _____________________________    ________________________________    __________________________________    _____________________________    _________________________________    __________________________________    ________________________    _______________________    _______________________    ________________________    _______________________    ____________________________    ____________________________    ____________________________    _________________________________    _________________________    __________________________    ____________________________    ____________________________    ________________________    ____________________________    _________________________________    _________________________    __________________________    ____________________________    ____________________________    _________________________________    ______________________________________

         1                    1.0858                         3.3053                    1186.2                  3.3297                   3.3297                   1.9996                    2.7518                   0.46306                    -0.69494                       1.7957                    -0.021996                 -4.4004                  -3.6203                   1.6577                      1.6544                         3.741                       6.7975                        0.11988                            3.1491                               6.6874                             0.53131                            40.006                               -124.84                           1.0703                     6.7975                    -0.014311                   0.80703                     1.5432                        2.3837                          7.7647                       0.57015                        5.0015                             712.65                              0.012363                            2.2763                            0.0017713                            -0.0023938                           1031                     71.209                     0.13451                     1.2225                     4.7706                        9.9536                           120.4                           875.8                             -4.4                          0.00030465                      3.2745                         -1.363                          3.6784                        760.95                        300.43                            1.9999                         0.00093293                     0.016935                       -2.3131                          9.8519                            193.36                                  3.2575                
         2                    1.0876                         3.3111                    1191.7                  3.3199                   3.3199                   1.9996                    2.7293                   0.46952                    -0.62182                        1.679                    -0.022033                 -4.4006                  -3.5379                   1.7243                      1.4985                         3.249                       6.7984                        0.11951                            3.1457                               6.6764                             0.54736                            38.573                               -127.79                           1.0721                     6.7984                    -0.019335                   0.81345                     1.5523                         2.374                          7.7118                       0.59732                         2.382                             718.26                             0.0028934                            1.1938                            0.0019541                           -0.00051788                         1025.2                     70.425                     0.13238                     1.2129                     4.7303                        9.9126                          119.42                          877.32                             -4.4                          0.00030269                      3.2804                        -1.3602                          3.6885                        761.05                        304.33                            1.9999                         0.00088585                     0.016846                       -2.3857                          10.332                            194.73                                  3.2635                
         3                    1.0972                         3.3433                    1198.5                  3.4424                   3.4424                   1.9996                    2.7497                   0.47889                     -0.6258                       1.7303                    -0.022201                 -4.4005                  -3.5499                   1.7126                      1.5172                        3.3065                       6.7829                        0.12166                            3.1522                               6.7482                             0.53042                            40.973                               -120.47                           1.0818                     6.7829                    -0.021383                   0.75001                     1.5018                        2.5311                          8.5461                       0.53079                        4.1924                             708.15                              0.022543                             2.107                            0.0072674                            -0.0034486                         1119.2                     70.355                     0.13308                      1.315                     4.8527                        9.1793                          106.04                          885.19                             -4.4                          0.00030422                      3.3127                        -1.3307                          3.7906                        760.88                        303.26                            1.9999                         0.00094755                     0.016758                       -2.4133                          9.9184                            197.68                                   3.296                
         4                     1.097                         3.3423                    1197.7                  3.4182                   3.4182                   1.9996                     2.735                     0.481                    -0.57359                       1.6517                    -0.022873                 -4.4004                  -3.5176                    1.739                      1.4618                        3.1404                       6.7829                          0.121                            3.1502                               6.7368                             0.53385                            41.007                               -125.91                           1.0815                     6.7829                   -0.0073165                   0.76354                     1.5115                        2.4976                          8.3636                       0.73393                        3.2183                             750.81                              0.014997                            1.4667                           0.00051992                            -0.0050005                         1100.9                     69.473                     0.12486                     1.2924                     4.7698                        9.2975                           108.3                          884.95                             -4.4                          0.00029715                      3.3115                        -1.2773                          3.5595                        765.91                        302.74                                 2                         0.00085562                     0.016897                       -2.5036                          11.241                            195.99                                  3.2946                
         5                    1.0899                         3.3189                    1191.5                   3.319                    3.319                   1.9957                    2.7191                   0.47534                    -0.57212                       1.6031                    -0.022711                 -4.4004                  -3.5032                   1.7484                      1.4358                        3.0653                       6.7769                        0.12188                            3.1521                               6.6506                              0.5366                            40.214                               -122.29                           1.0744                     6.7769                    -0.013659                   0.81197                     1.5549                        2.3806                          7.7339                       0.59341                         3.509                             718.11                              0.012226                            1.1844                            0.0048458                            -0.0003461                           1030                     70.095                      0.1361                     1.2156                     4.7284                        9.8499                          118.04                          879.13                             -4.4                          0.00030022                      3.2881                        -1.3286                          3.5449                        760.85                        302.39                            1.9999                         0.00089706                     0.017049                        -2.309                          9.7528                            192.86                                   3.271                

2. Analyze differential curve related features

As a non-destructive technique for characterizing LIBs, differential curve analysis has been widely used to identify aging mechanisms. To investigate the LIBs' capacity degradation mechanism, use computeDifferentialCurves to calculate the differential curves and then visualize the curve. Plot a set of curve-related features such as peak location, height and slope along with the curve.

differentialTable = computeDifferentialCurves(bParser);
stepIndex = 10;
cycleIndex =1;
curveType = 'IC';
hPlotCurveWithFeature(featureTable, differentialTable, bParser, cycleIndex, stepIndex, curveType)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Incremental capacity curve and key features, xlabel Voltage (V), ylabel IC (Ah/V) contains 5 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Curve, Peak, Width, Left Slope, Right Slope.

The evolution of the IC curves over the battery lifetime associates with the capacity loss of the LIB. In order to gain valuable insights from the curves, it is critical to identify the key features associated with battery degradation. One method to accomplish this is to plot incremental capacity curves across cycles.

cycleList = sort(unique(differentialTable.(bParser.CycleIndexVariable)));
cyclingPhase = "Discharge";
stepIndex = 10;
plotInterval = 30;
hPlotCurvesforCycles(differentialTable, bParser, cycleList, cyclingPhase, stepIndex, plotInterval, curveType)

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Incremental capacity curves over cycles, xlabel Voltage (V), ylabel Cycle number contains 30 objects of type line.

This plot illuminates the degradation patterns of LIBs, allowing for a clearer understanding of how certain features evolve as the battery ages.

A notable observation is the decrease of peak height and peak area of the IC curve over time, which is a key indicator of battery degradation. Another significant observation is the shift of DV curve peak location across cycles, which provides insights of the changing health status.

Based on the observations, you can identify the features that are more relevant to battery degradation, such as peak height, peak location, and peak area, which decrease as the cycle number increases.

featureName = "Discharge_Step10_IC_peak";
hPlotFeatureOverCycles(featureTable,featureName, bParser.CycleIndexVariable);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Discharge_Step10_IC_peak over cycles, xlabel Cycles, ylabel Discharge_Step10_IC_peak contains an object of type line.

3. Analyze general features

With the increase in internal resistance and loss of capacity caused by repeated charging and discharging, the time for a battery to reach terminal voltage during charging and discharging can be gradually shortened. Measurements also fluctuate over time. Therefore, in addition to curve-related features, you can extract a wide array of other features, including statistical metrics, domain-specific characteristics, and features specific to different cycling modes.

Visualizing these features over time helps to understand the feature trajectory. Features such as Discharge_Step10_CCCV_energyRatio, Discharge_Step10_CCCV_energyDifference, Discharge_Step10_CC_duration, Discharge_Voltage_mean, show significant changes of the trend over cycles. As expected, the duration of the CC mode decreases as battery capacity degrades, since the battery reaches terminal voltage earlier. This early termination of the CC mode also results in a lower average voltage and decreased CC energy. Consequently, the energy difference and ratio between CC and CV modes degrade over time.

featureNameList = ["Discharge_Step10_CCCV_energyRatio", "Discharge_Step10_CCCV_energyDifference", "Discharge_Step10_CC_duration", "Discharge_Voltage_mean"];
hPlotFeaturesTiles(featureTable, featureNameList, bParser.CycleIndexVariable)

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel Cycles, ylabel CCCV_energyRatio contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with xlabel Cycles, ylabel CCCV_energyDifference (watt-hour) contains an object of type line. Axes object 3 with xlabel Cycles, ylabel CC_duration(s) contains an object of type line. Axes object 4 with xlabel Cycles, ylabel Voltage_mean(V) contains an object of type line.


This example provides a comprehensive guide on using batteryTestDataParser and batteryTestFeatureExtractor for effective data preparation, data analysis and feature extraction from battery data. The workflow includes:

  • Ingesting raw data from battery cyclers and converting it into a standardized format for analysis;

  • Identifying data anomalies that may affect analysis accuracy;

  • Evaluating the data and features through extensive visualization;

  • Gaining deeper insights into battery performance through the analysis of differential curves and extracted features.

The next step involves employing feature selection algorithms to automate the identification of relevant features. These selected features can then be utilized to train machine learning or deep learning models for various applications within the battery predictive maintenance domain.


[1] Severson, K.A., Attia, P.M., Jin, N. et al. "Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradation." Nat Energy 4, 383–391 (2019).


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