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Plot Spectrogram Using Pulse Waveform Analyzer App

The pulseWaveformAnalyzer is a MATLAB® App that lets you explore important properties of a signal such as its waveform, spectrum, and ambiguity function.

Open pulseWaveformAnalyzer App

When you type pulseWaveformAnalyzer from the command line or select the app from the App Toolstrip, an interactive window opens. The default window shows a rectangular waveform and its spectrum. You can then select various options to analyze different waveforms.


Show the spectrogram of baseband FMCW signal

As an example, use the app to show the spectrogram of a continuous FMCW waveform.

  1. Set the Waveform to FMCW

  2. Set the Sweep Interval to Symmetric

  3. Set the Number of Sweeps to 4

  4. In the Analysis tab, select Spectrogram

Then, you will see a plot of the spectrogram of the signal similar to this.

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