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Read adeInfo object and extract metrics for visualization and analysis

Since R2024b


Use the adeDataReader class to read an adeInfo object or a .mat file to extract metrics and waveform data to MATLAB® base workspace. You can then visualize and analyze the metrics and waveform data from MATLAB command prompt without launching the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app. The adeInfo object is created after launching MATLAB from the Cadence® ADE session. The .mat file is generated by the adeinfo2msa function.



data = adeDataReader reads the adeInfo object available in the base workspace when you launch MATLAB from the Cadence environment and extracts metrics and data for visualization and analyses from MATLAB command prompt.

data = adeDataReader(inputFile) reads the adeInfo object defined in inputFile and extracts metrics and data for visualization and analyses from MATLAB command prompt.


Input Arguments

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Input file name, specified as a string. The file must be a .mat file. If the file in not in the present working directory, you can also specify the file path.

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

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Processed metrics and waveform data from adeInfo object, returned as an adeDataReader object. The data object consists of a table containing the metrics data extracted from the input file, a list of variables you can use to plot the trend chart, and a cell array containing the available waveform details.


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Path to the current input file, returned as a string.

Metrics data extracted from the input file, returned as a table.


You can import the MetricInfo property to Mixed-Signal Analyzer app for further analysis by clicking Import > Workspace from the app toolstrip.

A list of available variables to plot the trend chart extracted from the input file, returned as a cell array.

The waveform details (analysis and signal names) extracted from the input file, returned as a cell array.

Object Functions

getWaveDataRetrieve waveform data from adeDataReader object


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Unzip the file. Load the ldo_test_Interactive.244.mat file containing the adeInfo object data.

data = adeDataReader('ldo_test_Interactive.244.mat');

Find the available waveform details.

ans = 4×1 cell
    {'stb, Loop Gain Phase'}
    {'stb, Loop Gain dB20' }
    {'tran, /I_load'       }
    {'tran, /ldo_out'      }

Get the information about the tran, ldo_out waveform.

wave = data.getWaveData(data.WaveInfo{4});

Plot the waveform.

for i=1:height(wave)
    hold on;

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 48 objects of type line.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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