Preprocessing and Augmentation
Image preprocessing and image augmentation prepare data for advanced medical image analysis workflows. Use image preprocessing to reduce image acquisition artifacts and format data for the target workflow. For example, you can remove noise, normalize intensity values, resize image voxels, or align images using registration. Use image augmentation to increase the amount and variability of training data for deep learning workflows. For example, you can randomly adjust image contrast or apply random rotations or scaling to simulate variations in image acquisition and patient anatomy. To get started, see Get Started with Image Preprocessing and Augmentation for Deep Learning.
- Medical Image Preprocessing
Learn common preprocessing steps used in medical image analysis workflows.
- Medical Image Registration
Techniques for alignment of medical images, volumes, and surfaces.
- Get Started with Image Preprocessing and Augmentation for Deep Learning
Preprocess data for deep learning applications with deterministic operations such as resizing, or augment training data with randomized operations such as random cropping.
- Train and Apply Denoising Neural Networks
Use a pretrained neural network to remove Gaussian noise from a grayscale image, or train your own network using predefined layers.