Installation and Setup
Install support for the hardware, update the firmware, and connect to the
Install the MATLAB® Support Package for Raspberry Pi® Hardware before you can connect to your Raspberry Pi hardware from MATLAB.
matlabshared.supportpkg.checkForUpdate | (Not recommended) List of support packages that can be updated |
matlabshared.supportpkg.getInstalled | List of installed support packages |
- Install Support for Raspberry Pi Hardware
Install Support for Raspberry Pi hardware.
- Modularize Installation of Third-Party Packages and Libraries for Raspberry Pi Hardware
This section describes the workflow for downloading the core and optional application-based libraries and packages.
- Connect to Raspberry Pi Hardware Board in MATLAB Online
Configure, connect to, and control Raspberry Pi hardware in MATLAB Online™.
- Troubleshoot Writing Firmware to SD Card
Troubleshoot writing firmware to SD card.