Prompt User for Input in C MEX File
Because MATLAB® does not use stdin
and stdout
, do
not use C/C++ functions like scanf
and printf
prompt for user input. The following example shows how to use mexCallMATLAB
with the
function to get a number from the user.
#include "mex.h" #include "string.h" void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) { mxArray *new_number, *str; double out; str = mxCreateString("Enter extension: "); mexCallMATLAB(1,&new_number,1,&str,"input"); out = mxGetScalar(new_number); mexPrintf("You entered: %.0f ", out); mxDestroyArray(new_number); mxDestroyArray(str); return; }
See Also
| input
| inputdlg