Solve Feasibility Problem
Some problems require you to find a point that satisfies all constraints, with no objective function to minimize. For example, suppose that you have the following constraints:
Do any points satisfy the constraints? To find out, write a function that returns the constraints in a structure field Ineq
. Write the constraints in terms of a two-element vector instead of . Write each inequality as a function , meaning the inequalities , by subtracting the right side of each inequality from both sides. To enable plotting, write the function in a vectorized manner, where each row represents one point. The code for this helper function, named objconstr
, appears at the end of this example.
Plot the points where the three functions satisfy equalities for and , and indicate the inequalities by plotting level lines for function values equal to –1/2.
[XX,YY] = meshgrid(-2:0.1:2,-4:0.1:2); ZZ = objconstr([XX(:),YY(:)]).Ineq; ZZ = reshape(ZZ,[size(XX),3]); h = figure; ax = gca; contour(ax,XX,YY,ZZ(:,:,1),[-1/2 0],'r','ShowText','on'); hold on contour(ax,XX,YY,ZZ(:,:,2),[-1/2 0],'k','ShowText','on'); contour(ax,XX,YY,ZZ(:,:,3),[-1/2 0],'b','ShowText','on'); hold off
The plot shows that feasible points exist near [1.75,–3].
Set lower bounds of –5 and upper bounds of 3, and solve the problem using surrogateopt
rng(1) % For reproducibility
lb = [-5,-5];
ub = [3,3];
[x,fval,exitflag,output,trials] = surrogateopt(@objconstr,lb,ub)
surrogateopt stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit set by 'options.MaxFunctionEvaluations'.
x = 1×2
1.7553 -3.0551
fval = 1x0 empty double row vector
exitflag = 0
output = struct with fields:
elapsedtime: 14.5934
funccount: 200
constrviolation: -0.0660
ineq: [-0.0660 -0.2280 -0.8104]
rngstate: [1x1 struct]
message: 'surrogateopt stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit set by ...'
trials = struct with fields:
X: [200x2 double]
Ineq: [200x3 double]
Check the feasibility at the returned solution x
-0.0660 -0.2280 -0.8104
Equivalently, evaluate the function objconstr
at the returned solution x
-0.0660 -0.2280 -0.8104
Equivalently, examine the Ineq
field in the trials
structure for the solution x
. First, find the index of x
in the trials.X
indx = ismember(trials.X,x,'rows');
-0.0660 -0.2280 -0.8104
All constraint function values are negative, indicating that the point x
is feasible.
View the feasible points evaluated by surrogateopt
opts = optimoptions("surrogateopt"); indx = max(trials.Ineq,[],2) <= opts.ConstraintTolerance; % Indices of feasible points figure(h); hold on plot(trials.X(indx,1),trials.X(indx,2),'*') xlim([1 2]) ylim([-3.5 -2.5]) hold off
This code creates the objconstr
helper function.
function f = objconstr(x) c(:,1) = (x(:,2) + x(:,1).^2).^2 + 0.1*x(:,2).^2 - 1; c(:,2) = x(:,2) - exp(-x(:,1)) + 3; c(:,3) = x(:,2) - x(:,1) + 4; f.Ineq = c; end