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Generate detection log and truth table for tuning

Since R2023a


[detectionLog,truth] = trackingFilterTuner.tuningData(recordings) generates a set of detection logs and platform truth tables from recordings. The function generates detection logs and truth tables only for platforms that have at least one detection in the recordings. You can use the detectionLog and truth outputs to tune a tracking filter by using the tune object function.


tuningData is a static method of the trackingFilterTuner object. Other than the syntax shown above, you can also use tuningData based on a created trackingFilterTuner object:

tuner = trackingFilterTuner;
[detectionLog,truth] = tuner.tuningData(recordings)


[___,platformIDs] = trackingFilterTuner.tuningData(___) additionally returns the IDs for the platforms that correspond to detections in the detectionLog output and the truths in the truth output.



collapse all

Load a trackingScenario object.


Create two recordings based on the scenario using the monteCarloRun function.

recordings = monteCarloRun(scenario,2);

Generate tuning data using the tuningData object function of the trackingFilterTuner object.

[detlog,truthTable,pIDs] = trackingFilterTuner.tuningData(recordings)
detlog=1×6 cell array
    {12×1 cell}    {13×1 cell}    {14×1 cell}    {12×1 cell}    {13×1 cell}    {14×1 cell}

truthTable=1×6 cell array
    {3215×2 timetable}    {3215×2 timetable}    {3215×2 timetable}    {3215×2 timetable}    {3215×2 timetable}    {3215×2 timetable}

pIDs = 1×6

     2     3     4     2     3     4

Input Arguments

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Tracking scenario recordings, specified as an N-by-M array of trackingScenarioRecording objects.

Output Arguments

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Detection logs, returned as a K-element cell array. K is the total number of platforms that have at least one detection in the recordings. Each cell contains a cell array of objectDetection objects that represent the detections for a platform in the tracking scenario recording.

The i-th cell of detectionLog corresponds to the i-th cell of truth (and the i-th element of platformIDs if enabled).

Truth tables, returned as a K-element cell array of time tables. K is the total number of platforms that have at least one detection in the recordings. Each table saves the time, position, and velocity for a specific platform in the tracking scenario recording.

The i-th cell of truth corresponds to the i-th cell of detectionLog (and the i-th element of platformIDs if enabled).

IDs of platforms, returned as a K-element array of nonnegative integers. K is the total number of platforms that have at least one detection in the recordings.

The i-th element of platformIDs corresponds to the i-th cell of detectionLog and the i-th cell of truth.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a