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Add Pin Number Property

In this procedure, you modify the System object™ developed in Create a Digital Write Block to include a pin number property that can be set from the block dialog box.

  1. In the MATLAB® Editor, open the System object class file, DigitalWrite.m.

  2. Find the Nontunable properties section and add a new property, pinNumber. Set the value equal to 9.

    properties (Nontunable)
        % Pin Number
        pinNumber = 9;

    When a property attribute is set to Nontunable, then it cannot be modified while the model runs. The value assigned to the property is the default value when the block is added to model.

  3. Update the setupImpl method to use the pinNumber property.

    methods (Access=protected)
        function setupImpl(obj) %#ok<MANU>
            if isempty(
                % Place simulation setup code here
                % Call C-function implementing device initialization
                coder.ceval('digitalIOSetup', obj.pinNumber, 1);
  4. Update the stepImpl method to use the pinNumber property.

        function stepImpl(obj,u) %#ok<INUSD>
            if isempty(
                % Place simulation setup code here
                % Call C-function implementing device output
                coder.ceval('writeDigitalPin', obj.pinNumber, u);
  5. Open the block mask dialog box to verify the addition of the new pinNumber field.

    Use the Block Parameters dialog box to configure the MATLAB System block.

In the next section, you will Add Push Button to View Pin Map to your MATLAB System block dialog mask.

See Also

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